ok since i wanna clear storage i got this really good idea pick any 2 of theses items and ill sel both of em 2 u for 7k+ u name price!! no hesitations unless sum1 else bids higher
for example u say ill take number 1 and 2 for 7.5k i say deal unless sum1 bid is higher or sum1 bids higher then u cath my drift...
sold list-
4,5unelss better offer..
ok here they are
this is my 1st screenie so its preety sketchie LOL
possibly of the best bows in awhile going cheap!!
brute blake
ill take 4 and 5 for 7.5k if u still got em
IGN Six Feat Under pm when ur on
IGN Six Feat Under pm when ur on
brute blake
ok done deal umm im australian so i dunno if we have ig time zone difference tell me when ur usually on and ill find a time converter and well go from there