ok, this may edge a bit to the ninja/shinobi thing, but hopefully ou'll think otherwise; I had my mind set on an enchanter first (see page 2), but that seemed kinda weak so i revised my idea and came up with an assassin, no this is not the stealth using, hand/foot fighting dude.
This is an assassin:
Evade: Primary skill; with each point, the chanse to evade attacks and magic
spells (hexes, curses, etc.) increases, instead the
nearest creature/character take's the damage or spell.
Eviscerate: No inherent effect; with each point, the bleeding caused by you
will be lengthend by an additional 1 second,
this will also increase the effectiveness of
short-blades (idea for a new weapon
perhaps?) .
agility: No inherent effect; with each point the duration of speed increasing
skills lasts 2% longer; the duration in speed
decreasing effects will last 2% shorter.
Stun: No inherent effect; you have a 2% chance to stun your opponement
for 5 seconds teh chance to stun increases with
each point added.
Mace Mastery: No inherent effect; Increases The effectiveness of maces
Each of these skills are easily countered by other already existing skills (and new comming ones)
For example: 'Plague Touch' (necro skill) will remove a negative condition and its remaining time from yourself to target enemy.
this could be seen as a new kind of warrior who is able to use the already exisiting weaponry and some new ones.
i think its a pretty nice idea