I think that is the game some unseen NPCs were playing in the SE pre-searing Wizard's Folley (b]CORRECTION [Regent[/b] woods, where the last 2 ranger trainers reside). I got stuck on a tree (stupid pet/Qwen combo stack) so I couldn't go over the hill to see who was playing. Apparently it was some drinking game being played by "Greens" as opposed to "Reds" as the ALT key did not show the identity of the players. I shall trek forth and find their names tonight. Sadly I wanted to "get one more quest" done so I had to warp back to the nearest town. Has anyone else seen these mystery players?
I went back to the spot where I saw the game being played and found a ring of about 6 guys. They were talking about a whether a bear was still in the woods and also playing a game called BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS. When I talked to them, they went into a long conversation about how tough Benin was and how quick he killed a bear once. Benin is very drunk and always said *hic*. At the end of the conversation a mini-quest starts where you have to kill a bear in under 3 minutes and they would let me drink with them. I managed to do so, but there wasn't any rewards lol. I reported it as a bug, but maybe the joke is on me? Also there is a collector there without anything to trade - he literally says he collects dull carpaces(?? can't recall for sure ??) but he doesn't have anything to trade for them.
The "quest" might be an easter egg, but who knows. I just found the whole thing amusing.
Rock, Blood, and Hammer Drinking Game