Interrupting After the New Patch
Como Fort
Who thinks interrupting for both a Mesmer and a Ranger has become just to easy after the new patch? This new bar that shows the spell casting has made things just too easy and makes it impossible for Casters. What do you guys think?
I think Mantra of Resolve.
Hmm, i think the spellcasting bar is a detail too far to give away to an enemy, for an enemy to interrupt is far too easy with this in...
Even though they nerfed ranger interruption slightly, introducing this function being able to see what the enemy are using and call what the enemy are using as well as being able to see exactly when the action will take place is a bit stupid..
Imo, Anet don't understand the meaning of balance, everythign they nerf paves way for another dominant strategy ever since spirit spam and all they keep doing is nerfing more and more to try and 'balance'.
What they're basically doing is giving every strategy its go atm pet builds, trap builds (flavor of the week, so that means we all MUST use them! ! )
I know too many high ranked people from top guilds who are thinking of leaving this game for the constant inbalance.. and now sticking to topic.. showing spellcast duration bar is just a minor detail but a detail too far in such an imbalanced game.
It's meant to be about individual skill but instead its about whatevers currently imbalanced as compared to everything else, with a tiny little bit of skill alongside this.
Even though they nerfed ranger interruption slightly, introducing this function being able to see what the enemy are using and call what the enemy are using as well as being able to see exactly when the action will take place is a bit stupid..
Imo, Anet don't understand the meaning of balance, everythign they nerf paves way for another dominant strategy ever since spirit spam and all they keep doing is nerfing more and more to try and 'balance'.
What they're basically doing is giving every strategy its go atm pet builds, trap builds (flavor of the week, so that means we all MUST use them! ! )
I know too many high ranked people from top guilds who are thinking of leaving this game for the constant inbalance.. and now sticking to topic.. showing spellcast duration bar is just a minor detail but a detail too far in such an imbalanced game.
It's meant to be about individual skill but instead its about whatevers currently imbalanced as compared to everything else, with a tiny little bit of skill alongside this.

what does any of this have to do with suggestions to the game? sounds like a bunch of crying by people that cannot adapt and overcome.
Como Fort
Hmm, well I see loads of threads on here about people who cannot adapt and overcome, so I figured its the perfect place to post it ^^
Also, don't you think this detail is too specific, it makes the interrupting all to easy.
Also, don't you think this detail is too specific, it makes the interrupting all to easy.
you cannot balance the game completely. there will always be skills that are better than others. its all about the situation. so what if the top guilds leave there will be other guilds right behind them to take their place.
you cannot prepare for everything when you change some skills for balancing. the point is that players are better than devs and always will be. i have learned through MTG that sometimes this happens and you just have to deal with it when the problem is fixed. skills imbalances are a problem. finally i see alot of water mancers now. fire is more common than air now. rangers have multiple builds available instead of 2. warriors are getting much better and harder to deal with. monks lost the ability to have infinite energy and screw another player at the same time. mes have been balanced some what. still the only class that can take on anything 1vs1 and come out on top. necros are great characters that are unbalanced (i won't say how). most do not play necros and don't see their impact so they are not complained about as much.
this is an evolving game and always will be. glad to see that 2 months later spirit spam is not dominating everything in sight. skills changes are good. if you where not doing good before this is your opporunity to move up. while other people figure out what they want to use.
you cannot prepare for everything when you change some skills for balancing. the point is that players are better than devs and always will be. i have learned through MTG that sometimes this happens and you just have to deal with it when the problem is fixed. skills imbalances are a problem. finally i see alot of water mancers now. fire is more common than air now. rangers have multiple builds available instead of 2. warriors are getting much better and harder to deal with. monks lost the ability to have infinite energy and screw another player at the same time. mes have been balanced some what. still the only class that can take on anything 1vs1 and come out on top. necros are great characters that are unbalanced (i won't say how). most do not play necros and don't see their impact so they are not complained about as much.
this is an evolving game and always will be. glad to see that 2 months later spirit spam is not dominating everything in sight. skills changes are good. if you where not doing good before this is your opporunity to move up. while other people figure out what they want to use.
Originally Posted by SecUnder
what does any of this have to do with suggestions to the game? sounds like a bunch of crying by people that cannot adapt and overcome.

If some people actually understood the mechanics of the game and could see just how stupidly imbalanced it is... if anet could even see this on its own game

Originally Posted by twicky_kid
you cannot balance the game completely. there will always be skills that are better than others. its all about the situation. so what if the top guilds leave there will be other guilds right behind them to take their place.

no matter how much testing they do players will always be better and find exploits there devs never thought about.
just the way it is.
just the way it is.
Ye, well maybe they should change the people testing the game? as atm they seem to be a bunch of tards who can't find exploits

Perishiko ReLLiK
Boo hoo, let's all pout and cry because things have changed. It's becoming alot more balanced update by update, and really, pvp wise, it's the most balanced game i've played.
Second, this isn't a "balancing" issue, it's a matter of making something else easier, and personaly i like it. I play all classes myself, and maybe that's why none of these patches every bother me, i just adapt. Try stances, or spells that block, or spell immunity. There are quite a few ways to stop alot of these interupts.
Just a side note, perm spell immunity is possible, check out some spell combo's... It's even possible to keep up some nice energy if you know how to do it.
Second, this isn't a "balancing" issue, it's a matter of making something else easier, and personaly i like it. I play all classes myself, and maybe that's why none of these patches every bother me, i just adapt. Try stances, or spells that block, or spell immunity. There are quite a few ways to stop alot of these interupts.
Just a side note, perm spell immunity is possible, check out some spell combo's... It's even possible to keep up some nice energy if you know how to do it.
Originally Posted by Timoz
I know too many high ranked people from top guilds who are thinking of leaving this game for the constant inbalance..

The bar doesn't change how long it takes for elementalists to cast Earthquake, you know. If you don't have an Elementalist targeted, there's not a giant neon sign flashing "ZOMG, HE CASTS SPELL, INTERRUPT INTERRUPT!"
It really doesn't change much. Sure, mesmers won't think "hmm, hope it's long enough for me to interrupt" *hit skill* "damn, guess not," but oh well. So, in short:
1) When you target an enemy, you can see what spells/skills they are using. (Not new.)
2) You can monitor it's progress on a bar. (Not entirely new [you could always tell when an E/N/Mo/Me was casting]... Elementalists don't hover in the air when they cast Aura of Restoration, now do they?)
Now Mesmers/Rangers can make intelligent decisions "Hmm, that skill is too fast for me to interrupt, I won't waste my energy," and now it's imbalanced because they're working on more than a coin toss?
Damn I'm so glad I play a mesmer.

Trust me, when you play against *good* people holding the halls and in gvg, it makes a difference
*too tired to post more right now, 2am here..*

Originally Posted by Timoz
Even though they nerfed ranger interruption slightly, introducing this function being able to see what the enemy are using and call what the enemy are using as well as being able to see exactly when the action will take place is a bit stupid..
You could previously see what the enemy was using. You could previously "call" that skill out into your mic to your teammates. You could previously see exactly when the skill would take place because the skill still gave you a guage as too its casting time. It's just that instead of a fade-in there's now a bar. Either way you still know when that skill's coming.
The only real difference the new skill-monitor changes make is that the icon is visable from moment one of the cast time (instead of being only partly visiable and harder to make out), and you get more solid feedback as to whether your successfully interrupting things. The visibility changes merely mean there's no longer guess-work as to what's being cast in the first 1/4 second or so. If you want interrupting to be guesswork, get lost. This is a "skill" based game, not a luck based one. The feedback allows people to know what they're doing wrong, which is the foundation of all learning, as well as getting some recognition from teammates who previously were too stupid to notice the enemy wasn't casting anymore.
Imo, Anet don't understand the meaning of balance, everythign they nerf paves way for another dominant strategy ever since spirit spam and all they keep doing is nerfing more and more to try and 'balance'. |
What they're basically doing is giving every strategy its go atm pet builds, trap builds (flavor of the week, so that means we all MUST use them! ! ) | that I've gotten the ire and spite out of my system, I think the biggest point that is being missed is that as ANet isn't purposely throwing in huge imbalances each time they 'nerf' something. As they balances some aspects, though, other unbalanced ones will inevitably be brought to light. So long as one balance issue is more damaging than others, those others go largely unnoticed. However, when that one giant balance issue is fixed, the next biggest now stands out. Each new balance issue that comes up is smaller than the last. Little by little ANet is moving this game in the right direction.
Originally Posted by Timoz
Ye, well maybe they should change the people testing the game? as atm they seem to be a bunch of tards who can't find exploits
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Lets assume for 1 second that each class has the same number of skills, in the case of a ranger, 77. So any one character build has a total of 154 different skills potentially available to be used in it.
With 154 skills you can have
(154*153*152*151*150*149*148*147) /8 =
262959741716918400 / 8 =
different skill combinations.
Do you think for even one minute that you and 30 of your closest friends could create AND test each of those builds in a reasonable amount of time? Lets be generous here, lets say 1 hour of testing per build, 31 people working 24/7 simply testing builds.
With 31 people, 1 hour per build, you're looking at 3749711124186 years to test all the possible combinations. And that's assuming you're a robot who never eats, sleeps, uses the toilet, or performs any form of personal grooming.
Now, before you go throwing out insults in a subject you know exactly jack about, use that piece of grey flesh that is taking up atleast SOME of the space between your ears. IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TEST EVERY POSSIBLE BUILD FOR POTENTIAL WAYS IT COULD BE ABUSED.
glyph of concentration anyone? even has a 2 second recharge!
Originally Posted by Timoz
Trust me, when you play against *good* people holding the halls and in gvg, it makes a difference
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Anet already nerf memser for energy denial. In the exhange of easier interupting.
u have all the advantages ur enemy does.....stop whinin biatches
Originally Posted by Jenosavel that I've gotten the ire and spite out of my system, I think the biggest point that is being missed is that as ANet isn't purposely throwing in huge imbalances each time they 'nerf' something. As they balances some aspects, though, other unbalanced ones will inevitably be brought to light. So long as one balance issue is more damaging than others, those others go largely unnoticed. However, when that one giant balance issue is fixed, the next biggest now stands out. Each new balance issue that comes up is smaller than the last. Little by little ANet is moving this game in the right direction.
I would agree it is getting more balanced.
And for those flaming me- pls make builds which hold halls and competes highly in gvg, then pls come and call me a moron and an idiot.ty. I will reiterrate the fact that plenty of rank 9+ people i play with share these opinions, your insulting people who make the builds who win halls etc. i think we can see whats balanced and whats not, i'd like to think we're not all idiots.
.. or maybe its just me

*sticking to topic* sry for hijacking it slightly there como.- pls if people are going to flame me more pm me so it doesn't hijack the thread como took time to make.
Showing the cast time bar just really annoyed me a bit too far and i would suggest its removed for the pure purpose of giving interrupters too much information. Interruption is not at all hard to counter >imo< ( just to make that clear) and i too use the cast bar to my advantage so much..
Como Fort
Hmm, so if interrupting is easy and ok why could they not of just left it as it was before? No bar showing spell cast... Ohnoessssss... That makes it too difficult because I NEED the big blue sign saying what I'm interrupting. Omg I'm so 1337 with my graphical advantage...
Originally Posted by Como Fort
Hmm, so if interrupting is easy and ok why could they not of just left it as it was before? No bar showing spell cast... Ohnoessssss... That makes it too difficult because I NEED the big blue sign saying what I'm interrupting. Omg I'm so 1337 with my graphical advantage...
You've already brought plenty of whine.

(Please find the humor in this.)
Como Fort
HoHoHoHo, good one dude. You crack me up...
Originally Posted by Timoz
This is kind of my point that surely they should be able to predict some of the dominant strategies that will arise in testing...
Zhou Feng
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
you cannot balance the game completely. there will always be skills that are better than others. its all about the situation. so what if the top guilds leave there will be other guilds right behind them to take their place.
you cannot prepare for everything when you change some skills for balancing. the point is that players are better than devs and always will be. i have learned through MTG that sometimes this happens and you just have to deal with it when the problem is fixed. skills imbalances are a problem. finally i see alot of water mancers now. fire is more common than air now. rangers have multiple builds available instead of 2. warriors are getting much better and harder to deal with. monks lost the ability to have infinite energy and screw another player at the same time. mes have been balanced some what. still the only class that can take on anything 1vs1 and come out on top. necros are great characters that are unbalanced (i won't say how). most do not play necros and don't see their impact so they are not complained about as much. this is an evolving game and always will be. glad to see that 2 months later spirit spam is not dominating everything in sight. skills changes are good. if you where not doing good before this is your opporunity to move up. while other people figure out what they want to use. |
Also while you are looking at one enemy skill bar you are not watching ALL the other enemy skillbars. So unless EVERYONE looks at enemy skillbars you can still get caught by surprises from your enemies. Besides this is a way to imply that you are observing your enemy so therefore you can see what they are doing.
Unbalancing it? Havent any of you ntoiced that for every nerf something gets purposely unerfed.
And WTH? I wrote a post on Anet senseless nerfing and I got anti reaction to it as well as good sensible explanations. So suck it up and adapt to it. You want unabalnced? Go try out any other MMORPG WoW included.
EDIT I would also like to add: WHO IN BLAZES SAID DENIAL OF ENERGY IS NOT POSSIBLE? Recently Ive found a few mesmers who run denial and they seem to be doing pretty well... enough to drain dual monks... I HAD to call out for the tank to kill mesmer, problem solved. BUT energy denial is quite possible. Specially against us monks who need to be healing constantly ourselves and our allies, while mantaining a razor sharp edge of balance in energy management. Sides denial mesmers are tailored really against monks energy. A drained monk doesnt heal anyone which equals to dead party members. Any mesmer can also cut down on the energy of other classes too seeing as Necro skills cost quite a good amount of energy with only a very few in the 5 e range. Same goes for mesmers since most of their abilities cost a good deal of energy.
Originally Posted by Timoz
Trust me, when you play against *good* people holding the halls and in gvg, it makes a difference
Now, Aegis going from 1s to 2s.... that changed quite a bit; you have to have a painfully slow connection to miss that skill now.
Has anyone tried Spinal shivers and attacking with a cold dmg bow?
Sure you lose energy by using it but it stays in effect as long as you have energy and your target remains hexed.
If an E/N casted it he'd have enough energy to support it so other can interupt as they wish
Ex. E/N casts Spinal shivers on an ennemy spellcaster. The ranger keeps an eye on him/her and uses a cold bow attack when he sees him/her casting and switches back to another bow to resume combat.
If used properly the E/N would lose a minimal amount of energy while the Ranger can still interupt without loss of firepower etc...
Give me some thoughts on this.
Sure you lose energy by using it but it stays in effect as long as you have energy and your target remains hexed.
If an E/N casted it he'd have enough energy to support it so other can interupt as they wish
Ex. E/N casts Spinal shivers on an ennemy spellcaster. The ranger keeps an eye on him/her and uses a cold bow attack when he sees him/her casting and switches back to another bow to resume combat.
If used properly the E/N would lose a minimal amount of energy while the Ranger can still interupt without loss of firepower etc...
Give me some thoughts on this.
Has it made it easier? Sure! Was it all that hard before? Not really. Eles have always had their casting animation and if a mesmer is actually paying attention they'd see it and use an interrupt.
So what's the solution for the cry babies? Make a mesmer, deal with it, or kill the other team's mesmer.
So what's the solution for the cry babies? Make a mesmer, deal with it, or kill the other team's mesmer.
Originally Posted by Fate
Has it made it easier? Sure! Was it all that hard before? Not really. Eles have always had their casting animation and if a mesmer is actually paying attention they'd see it and use an interrupt.
So what's the solution for the cry babies? Make a mesmer, deal with it, or kill the other team's mesmer. |
Only worry about the other teams MESMER interrupter!
Only worry about the mesmer!
Only the mesmer...
The mesmer...

Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Yeah, yeah, that's it...
Only worry about the other teams MESMER interrupter! Only worry about the mesmer! Only the mesmer... The mesmer... mesmer... ![]() |
the cursing Necromancer
and the Hammer warrior also!
Originally Posted by kawaii_bat
Worry about the Beastmaster ranger
the cursing Necromancer and the Hammer warrior also! |
Only worry about the mesmer!
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
This interrupting ranger says... "Shh..."
Only worry about the mesmer! Mesmer...... |
Originally Posted by kawaii_bat
Has anyone tried Spinal shivers and attacking with a cold dmg bow?
Sure you lose energy by using it but it stays in effect as long as you have energy and your target remains hexed. If an E/N casted it he'd have enough energy to support it so other can interupt as they wish Ex. E/N casts Spinal shivers on an ennemy spellcaster. The ranger keeps an eye on him/her and uses a cold bow attack when he sees him/her casting and switches back to another bow to resume combat. If used properly the E/N would lose a minimal amount of energy while the Ranger can still interupt without loss of firepower etc... Give me some thoughts on this. |
Como Fort
So if your all so awesome at interrupting, you can do it without the bar, right? Also how many interrupt Mesmers did I ever come across before the patch? None. Same as Trapper teams.
You guys just have to wait till there is an exploit to win then I'm guessing.
You guys just have to wait till there is an exploit to win then I'm guessing.
Also when I play warrior I laugh at interrupts because they dont tend to work well against warriors.
U say interuptign will not work vs warriors? ha! it will wokrs but dotn do so much of a good dmg than if u interupting unlike elementaliist, but really it will works! at warriors too!but tactiks is only problem.
U say interuptign will not work vs warriors? ha! it will wokrs but dotn do so much of a good dmg than if u interupting unlike elementaliist, but really it will works! at warriors too!but tactiks is only problem.
Originally Posted by Como Fort
So if your all so awesome at interrupting, you can do it without the bar, right?
Originally Posted by Como Fort
Also how many interrupt Mesmers did I ever come across before the patch? None.
Originally Posted by Como Fort
You guys just have to wait till there is an exploit to win then I'm guessing.
Lady Ting
I think Thunder Clap is better then Spinal Shivers it knocks down foe and ajacent foes and you lose 5 energy i use it on my pvp ele wich has 111 energy with items thats about 20 constant knock downs makes monks and warriors uselss

Spinal shiver + bow with ice dmg mod + Debilitating shot
If you're out of energy it doesn't matter, the foe is still interupted and you still made him lose 10 energy for it.
**I like looking at seemingly worthless skills and figuring out combos with em give me more ideas surrounding Spinal shivers
If you're out of energy it doesn't matter, the foe is still interupted and you still made him lose 10 energy for it.
**I like looking at seemingly worthless skills and figuring out combos with em give me more ideas surrounding Spinal shivers

Originally Posted by Lady Ting
I think Thunder Clap is better then Spinal Shivers it knocks down foe and ajacent foes and you lose 5 energy i use it on my pvp ele wich has 111 energy with items thats about 20 constant knock downs makes monks and warriors uselss
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Zhou Feng
Let the interruptions began!!!!
Usually I try to be in a group THAT HAS interruption too unless its a competitive run which is random. Makes things easier.
Usually I try to be in a group THAT HAS interruption too unless its a competitive run which is random. Makes things easier.
Como Fort
Oh noes! People are trying out (comparatively difficult) new classes! Whatever shall we do! |