The 7 shields will be sold together as a packet.
No in game trading. If you want to place a bid, do it here.
Minimum bid is 10k.
b/o is 50k.
7 unid golden max def shields
My bad, sorry ROY, thought u were gonna PM me about them if price went up, must have forgotten to tell you b4.
10k anyways
IGN Run Forrest
10k anyways
IGN Run Forrest
15k - what's your ign?
mines wonton balls
mines wonton balls
Dino Sonic
give me a b/o on all of them
IGN Dino Sonic
IGN Dino Sonic
@ Unknown Hero: What are you talking about man?
1. You did not bid for these shields before. You did bid for the last 7 shields. This is the third time, that I'm selling a packet of 7 unid shields. So I already sold 14 and now I'm selling 7 more, which makes 21 altogether.
2. I told you that I will even sell the shields for the minimum of 10k, if there is no higher bid. But there was a higher bid than yours. That's why I did not sell it to you but to the highest bidder.
3. I always sold my items when I started an auction. Always. And of course I sold them to the highest bidder. So there's no reason to ask if I'm willing to sell them.
4. I hope that it is not too confusing that I always use the same title for my threads. :-)
@ domidizzle: U can see my IGN on the left side, next to the word "Character:" and directly under the "Join Date".
1. You did not bid for these shields before. You did bid for the last 7 shields. This is the third time, that I'm selling a packet of 7 unid shields. So I already sold 14 and now I'm selling 7 more, which makes 21 altogether.
2. I told you that I will even sell the shields for the minimum of 10k, if there is no higher bid. But there was a higher bid than yours. That's why I did not sell it to you but to the highest bidder.
3. I always sold my items when I started an auction. Always. And of course I sold them to the highest bidder. So there's no reason to ask if I'm willing to sell them.
4. I hope that it is not too confusing that I always use the same title for my threads. :-)
@ domidizzle: U can see my IGN on the left side, next to the word "Character:" and directly under the "Join Date".

Ahh, forum is back online.

20k... (sorry 4 my mistake)
The shields will be sold tomorrow.
@Unknown_Hero: No problem.

@Unknown_Hero: No problem.

Knight of Saitin
I will buy them out at 50k, if you throw in one more.
that 8 for the buy out........i will wait for your reply.
Thanks for your time
that 8 for the buy out........i will wait for your reply.
Thanks for your time

Sold to Knight of Saitin.
And closed.
And closed.