WTS |PERFECT| Gold [[REQ 7.]] Sundering Flamberge of Fortitude,+15%>50,10/10AP,+30HP.
110k on the flamberge ^^
nice sword.
and hey req7.......hmm......free bump.

i will do 115k
nice sword bro....i wonder who will get a higher b/o on our swords in the end? im sure both our swords are bound to sell....i havent even seen a handful of perfect req7s in all my years of playing

Sciros Darkblade
bump for ya my man
Nice sword, ill give you 250 wood planks!
Count Lem
200 ecto
Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
Said he misstyped. only offering 20 ectos, lol.
is this true or are you just moving it out of topic?
ill give u 3 steel ingots, 1 monstrous claw, and 1 monstrous fang for it!!!
Never seases to amaze me, the prices people put on shit in this game. I have a purple with pretty much the same stats I bought for 1.4K and this thing is 100 times better cause is gold???? Is it just me or is this kinda ummm whats the word RETARDED? just me to cents
killer toast
well its 7 req and i doubt your purple is 15^50%
if i had enough money id try to buy this but im poor
if i had enough money id try to buy this but im poor

Z Man Boog
Originally Posted by fubar121
I have a purple with pretty much the same stats I bought for 1.4K
impossible. 15^ can only be gold, <or traders POS blue.>
anyways, free bump for an awsome sword.
anyways, free bump for an awsome sword.
30 ectos: ign --> Leon of troy
Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
Try asking him yourself, see if im lying.
then let him change it,he has his own account and most probably his own computer.
Originally Posted by Dark Charr
No offense. But I'd appreciate he editing his offer. Thats why repliers got the option to edit their posts, for this kinds of mistakes...!
Not another guy posting in his name, saying he was wrong...
Maybe not case but I can think you have a sword exactly the same and took offer or accepted less instead, to get the buyer. Only my opinion...no need for a 3rd party to get involved in trades right?
Crap!! This sucks, two bumps in less than 5 hours? you said it yourself, you have the option to edit posts. Instead you decide to reply to someone [i hope it wasnt an intentional bump]. Rules should be followed. As much as I hate to see an auction on this sword get closed, but.....CLOSED!
Not another guy posting in his name, saying he was wrong...
Maybe not case but I can think you have a sword exactly the same and took offer or accepted less instead, to get the buyer. Only my opinion...no need for a 3rd party to get involved in trades right?

Crap!! This sucks, two bumps in less than 5 hours? you said it yourself, you have the option to edit posts. Instead you decide to reply to someone [i hope it wasnt an intentional bump]. Rules should be followed. As much as I hate to see an auction on this sword get closed, but.....CLOSED!

Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
No really? You think? Wow W/Mos using their heads these days. Impressive.
LOL what do you care? Youre not getting the ectos. OH NOES!! are you his mother?this is just a game,i aint a w/mo in life. so ur generalizing that w/mo's are stupid?nice way to put it. go back into the bidding.dont stray away from topic.and you know im right.so go on with the bidding.
LOL what do you care? Youre not getting the ectos. OH NOES!! are you his mother?this is just a game,i aint a w/mo in life. so ur generalizing that w/mo's are stupid?nice way to put it. go back into the bidding.dont stray away from topic.and you know im right.so go on with the bidding.
Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
Your honor, the prosecution rests on "genralaizing" and "go back to bidding, dont stray from topic".
200k and my 2 cents. roflmao. im hoping youre done.
200k and my 2 cents. roflmao. im hoping youre done.
Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
"go back to bidding dont stray from topic"
well this post is getting some free bumps.
Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
Im hoping you go to school.
dont need to im done with it. i hope youre still in it.
dont need to im done with it. i hope youre still in it.
Originally Posted by Juliana Mizuhara
I didnt need to go to special ed, sorry. Oh wait.. sorry, "genralaizing" again.
wow, is that all you can throw at me? move on kid. as you can see i edited even before your post. well,im done with this. no point battling a 19-yr old brat who thinks he's good because he's rich in a game.
its funny too bc the highest offer was worth 280k...which was early on...and people kept bidding lower than that
nice weapons....free bump
A peaceful selling of a flamberge leads to a frigging flame war about prices mistypes and frigging W/mos[Have No idea were that came from <<]Anyway nice sword.
US Dollar $100 real cash on the Req 7 flamberge, i will send u the cheque.
Someone really needs to close this thread.
Yes and its mine now so plz close this thread...
Xan Tritus
I didnt need to go to special ed, sorry. Oh wait.. sorry, "genralaizing" again. genralazing???
i think cald is right, you must be in school, the correct word is "generalizing"
so like.. .pls grow up. no point flaming each other, if you cannot even spell the words correctly.. .

Xan Tritus
this should be interesting. . .nef has told me not to flame, so i willl end it with these few words.. .
since the update dragons are common and dont sell for that anymore, and for your information, that thread is old and perhaps you havent noticed, but i havent bumped it, thus it is made void.. .so your argument is void there, and yes, i found a buyer for that sword. . .for what i wanted. so dont bother with that petty argument again. . .
is your only come back, some lame event which occured ages ago. . . it wasnt because of the skin, its the fect that since they made new chests, ANYONE can get the dragons, they are very common. . .
however i do apologize for the misunderstanding with the misspelling of the word. . .
that is all i have to say, if you still wish to flame after this, take it up with nef, im not replying to this thread again. . .
since the update dragons are common and dont sell for that anymore, and for your information, that thread is old and perhaps you havent noticed, but i havent bumped it, thus it is made void.. .so your argument is void there, and yes, i found a buyer for that sword. . .for what i wanted. so dont bother with that petty argument again. . .
is your only come back, some lame event which occured ages ago. . . it wasnt because of the skin, its the fect that since they made new chests, ANYONE can get the dragons, they are very common. . .
however i do apologize for the misunderstanding with the misspelling of the word. . .
that is all i have to say, if you still wish to flame after this, take it up with nef, im not replying to this thread again. . .