Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
I think your a but confused. Its says you cannot use a skill till after some time has passed, which is 1.25 seconds.
It doesn't say anything about just normal arrows.
I'm not saying its bugged because you cannot use other skills like Tiger's Fury or Power shot, the issue is the fact you character just stands there and doesn't even do normal shots... that makes no sense at all.
If this is the way it meant to be, they need to change the discription or fix this annoying bug.
I'm not confused, but thanks for the concern. What I said still stands and holds for all attacks, not just attack skills. As someone else pointed out, the fastest bow refire rate is 2 seconds. That's from a shortbow, the bow that is usually associated with attacking. The bow that's best for interrupting is the Composite bow, which has a refire of 2.4 seconds. Now let's compare. 1/2 second "cast time" on your ranger interrupts + 1.25 "aftercast." That comes up to a total per-arrow time of 1.75 seconds. That's lower than an attack bow will generally get, and extremely much so lower than an interrupting bow will get. Now what basis is there for complaining that one is just "standing around" and not attacking? You'd do more standing around if you were just firing off your bow. However, since your character's animation stops for that 1.25 seconds, few people seem to be able to think past that.
In other words, the complaints are aesthetic rather than practical.
For comparison's sake, someone already pointed out that Mesmers do have an aftercast of their own, so I won't touch on that again. However, I will say that bringing up the Warrior's lack of a pause after interrupting is incredibly stupid. The ranger's interrupts (minus Distracting Shot, anyway) used to operate the same way warrior's currently do. That is, they have no cast time at all. No, that doesn't mean they're instant, that means that it happens at a normal attack speed. Your character's animation would continue on as normal, and whenever that next arrow hit, that was when you interrupted. It was very much inefficient. If Savage Shot and Punishing Shot still operated like that, not only would there be a greater "pause" after interrupting (albeit your character's animation would continue on smoothly), but your interrupt would come much, much slower after you hit the skill as well.
The point of giving these ranger interrupts a cast time was to make them actually usable with the bow's long refire times (in comparison to melee weapons). However, an unintended side effect was that the bow's refire rate could be completely bypassed. So what did ANet do? They tagged on an appropriate amount of time to the end of the interrupt so that the whole process takes about as much time as it would have before... only your interrupt comes earlier in the time frame, increasing your ability to actualy interrupt the skills your enemy is using.
...in short, it's
not a bug. If you would take the time to analyze what's going on, you probably wouldn't even find it annoying.