We're composed of a group of 10 and we also play neverwinter, counter strike, and unreal tournament 2004. We have our own teamspeak server as well as a website.
We're always looking for new people so if anybody is looking for a fun guild who will help you out with just about ANYTHING just stop on by the forums located at
We plan on entering guild versus guild competition soon and if you want a group whichwill be working well with eachother and using brains over brawn to win then this is the group for you. We're all very seasoned gamers and several of us (including myself) have been heavy into RPG games and strategy games for years. We plan on being serious about guild competition and feel that we've got a realistic shot at being one of the top guilds.
We don't have very strict requirements for membership to the guild. As long as you play with us sometimes (we all like to go solo at times!) and you're a friendly person who isn't afraid to chat it up about all sorts of nonsense then you're in! We don't like individualists, so if you're the type who runs off and doesnt stay with the group don't bother.
We DO NOT have requirements on how long you play or on levels OR ANYTHING ELSE LIKE THAT JUNK but we do request a small donation of gold since we just bought our capes and are a bit poor