Gold Max Dmg Half Moon Bow req8, Dmg +15%^50 Life; 10/10 Armor Pen.; Health+29
b/o 80k c/o ?
WTS: 15^50 Half Moon req8
ill do buyout.
I'll buy it out at 80k.
Guess you beat me to it.
Guess you beat me to it.
GG. i posted that ill do buyout.. been msging the seller than he says some crap like 'oh. i sold this right before i got your whisper'. when the trader rating gon be fixed? dudes like this needs negatives.
i sold it before i got your whisper in the game. its not like i've got my thread open always. and i didnt get the notice yet. sorry for your inconvenience.
i would just submit another one and pop a neg on it
Xan Tritus
LOL there goes a once in a lifetime opportunity :P
of course you don't have your thread open always... that's why its your job to check up on it. isn't that the point of an auction? to check on your bids?
Mr. Brightside
ur only jealous cause u couldnt take advantage of this really low need to get mad

lol 80k i would have payed 400-500k :P
edit - shanksie - closed thread as item is sold.
edit - shanksie - closed thread as item is sold.