Problem viewing .gif files
Kariston The Swift
Whenever I view a .gif file it always shows up as a still image and never animates as it is supposed to. After I reformated a while back the problem went away but not its back again and I have no clue why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you using ZoneAlarm firewall? there is a section of it that auto blocks gif's that you will need to turn off... i think by what u describe its either zonealarm or another type of "secutiy" thing you have running. Try shutting down all of your security and try again....
Kariston The Swift
Yea I'm using the latest build for Zone Alarm Security Suite o.o; Let me turn off my firewall and try again >_>
Signet of Humility
Yes thats basically it..
i use ZA too lol didnt notice till i look up how many spywaeres i had
i use ZA too lol didnt notice till i look up how many spywaeres i had
Kariston The Swift
Yep I turned off the firewall and I could get the gifs to work properly. Anyone know what I need to change with the firewall so I can keep it on and still view them properly?