this item has been running long and these are my last two items. hopefully this time i get to sell them.

again i reserve the right not to sell at any circumstance and i will say that this is not an auction,there is no time frame.
i will start off were it left off.but the summit axe is a new item,so il set a minimun bid on it in due respect to the items value.
starting offers :
1 : chaos axe = 100k and 9ectos, Jo Mama
*continued from old thread
2 : summit axe = 40K
please avoid any offensive statement about the items and enjoy the biddings.

current offers:
1 : 200K divine emissary
b/o 100K and 15 ectos
b/o 80K
buy outs are set as well,so if youre intersted in buying out,please do so and i will get to you asap.just leave bids here and feel free to contact me in game to see the items.

IGN Yasato Hatori