+ armor vs PVE monsters


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005




I've seen on shields these mods that give +armor against specific PVE monster types (plants, for example).

My question is: does the added armor affect only their standard (melee?) attacks, or everything these monsters do (every skills including spells, attacks, etc)?




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hou Lan Geng [HLG]

I'm just taking a guess at this.
It only affects their standard attack and skills which are part of their attack (something cyclone axe from the charrs) but not spells (something like flare).

So if you have armour + 5 against charrs for example, it'd work against all charrs' normal attacks, and those attacks which use a weapon.
However, it won't work against spells they cast. For example, for protection against flare, you'd need armour vs fire attacks or elemental attacks.

This is all conjecture.
And I actually don't see the point of my posting since its not confirmed...but I'm bored


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guides of Ascalon


I can't confirm this either, (didn't do any testing myself) but I would expect armor vs a monster type would only mean physical damage...

A cyclone axe for example or other skills that increase attack speed, etc. only influence the speed or the targets of the physical damage. So yeah, they would be effected by the 'armor vs Char'. But not spells that deal something else than physical damage.

I guess I'm not making any sense either, I'm bored as well
Just wanted to say what huh said made sense so I agree...