Please don't post if ur not bidding with the exception if its something somewhat related.
To get bids going i'll say starting bids are at 100k for weapons and 50k for shields.
I have reserve the right to close auction and not sell because of too low of bids, suspected scamming, etc.
Good Luck, Happy Bidding.

#1- 275k (rsx) B/o 600k (in process IG for 100k + 50 Ectos)
#2- 900k (Pocky Wan) B/o 1.1 Mil
#3- 150k (Lady Sapphire) B/o 700k (in process IG)
#4- 50k (Surya)
#5- 60k (Chaos Theory Pvp)
The buyouts that are in process IG can be beaten due to the common unreliability of IG offers
ADDED yea im aware that lady sapphire is a scammer ive heard it many times in the past but i didnt think it would hurt to use her as a c/o
hehe thx for the heads up tho