Age Group: Very mature group (average age is around 25+).
Member Count: Currently have 15 members...
Website: No website, if the guild takes off I'll make one (I am a web developer btw, so it won't be a geocities looking site either lol) but don't want to spend the time right now if I don't have to. **Looking into it now**
Contact Info: In-game name is "Cynn Harris". Can e-mail me if interested also at "[email protected]"
Time-zone: -6 (Iowa, USA). So basically anyone around that time-zone would fit us.
When We Play: Most of us play around 6PM and beyond on the weekdays. Weekends are open for us mostly and play whenever we have the chance!
Average Level: 13
No lvl requirements and we always try to pass items down to other members before putting it on the market.
Our Cape is attached