Brohn's staff, Malinon Shield, Rago wand and Kindlerock, Vokur's Chakram and Bortak

Corwin Feist

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Our Name is Legion


Usual stuff applies... I'll keep the auction up for 48 hrs from posting. Reserves on all items. Gold only (though would welcome globs instead).

Green Rago's Flame Wand
Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Improves Casting Speed (10%)
Improves Skill Charge Fire Magic skills (20%) c/o 55k b/o---

Green 'The Kindlerock'
Energy +12 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Fire magic +1 (20% chance skills)
Improves Skill Charge using Fire magic(20%) c/o 45k b/o---

Green Vokur’s Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic)
Improves skill recharge (10%)
Improves Casting Speed (10%) c/o 5k. b/o---

Green Malinon's Shield
Armour +16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Recieved damage -2 c/o 95k b/o---

Brohn's Staff
Energy +10
Fire Damage 11-22 (Req. 9 Divine Favor)
Improves Casting Speed Using Healing Skills (Chance 20%)
Health +30
Health +30
Quick Recovery From Bleeding c/o 72k. b/o---

Bortak's Bone Claw
Cold damage: 11-22 (req. 9 Death Magic)
Energy +3 (while Health is above 50%)
Improves Casting speed using Death Magic skills (Chance 20%) c/o 9k b/o---


Xeno Breaker

Xeno Breaker

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


10k on Brohn's Staff and 2k on Vokur’s chakram.

IGN: Xeno Breaker or what ever character is online.

Sample Attack

Sample Attack

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


Lordz of War


10 k Green Rago's Flame Wand,
10 k Green 'The Kindlerock'
10k Green Malinon's Shield
3k Bortak's Bone Claw
15k Brohn's Staff
PM, IGN "Sample Attack"


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

50k on Malinon's Shield



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Parts Unknown

Free bump to good stuff!

So what is the difference between Malinon's Shield and the Crimson Carapace from collector?




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

ZING! +1.

Scar Meadows [SMS]


Nice Stuff,Free bump.
The differnce is it's an Aegis/Shield of The Wing and has a differnt look.
And I believed they made the while enchanted one hexed now.
So yeah..

Blade Destiny

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Ironfist Clan [IF]


20k each on both Ragos Wand and Kindlerock set

hyori finkl

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

in a chasm too comprehense for the nature of humans


16k on brohn's staff. ign hyori finkl

Lance Dragonsword

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


70k on Malion's Sheild

IGN Lance Dragonsword



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


30k on Kindlerock
30K on Ragos Flame wand
30k on Brohns Staff

<<<< IGN



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Marik-Strife
Nice Stuff,Free bump.
The differnce is it's an Aegis/Shield of The Wing and has a differnt look.
And I believed they made the while enchanted one hexed now.
So yeah.. Just to clarify...
There were two different collector's shields with +45hp/-2dmg. One was while hexed and previously available only in the desert, the other was in stance and available both in the desert and outside Camp Rankor. With the update they changed the one outside Camp Rankor to while hexed. One reason why Mal's shield gets a bit more than other shields is because there really isn't another simple way to get a "perfect" enchanted shield albeit Tactics-based. Grognar's Shield, on the other hand, is basically a collector's stance shield with that fuzzy "I'm a henchie" look.

As for the auction, 60k on Brohn's Staff. Get a little bit more serious people.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

35k on Ragos Flame wand



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

80k on Malinon's Shield, IGN Thunger Ardanien



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Parts Unknown

Originally Posted by Savio
Just to clarify...
There were two different collector's shields with +45hp/-2dmg. One was while hexed and previously available only in the desert, the other was in stance and available both in the desert and outside Camp Rankor. With the update they changed the one outside Camp Rankor to while hexed. One reason why Mal's shield gets a bit more than other shields is because there really isn't another simple way to get a "perfect" enchanted shield albeit Tactics-based. Grognar's Shield, on the other hand, is basically a collector's stance shield with that fuzzy "I'm a henchie" look.

As for the auction, 60k on Brohn's Staff. Get a little bit more serious people. Thanks for the clarification - so really apart from the "look" the Carapace (old version/desert version after SF update) and the Malinon shields have the exact same specs - correct?



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


The Malinon shield has +45HP enchanted and -2 damage enchanted. If there was ever a collector shield that req 9tactics and had those specs, then yes they are the same specs.

The only crimson shields I have procured were hexed and stance, so I am unsure if there is/was an enchanted version. The malinon's is enchanted, as stated above.

Back to the bidding:

45k on Ragos Fire Wand

Spadas Datum

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


60k on ragos wand
70k on brohn's staff


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

To previous post, Brohn's staff is already at least I believe that is what he was saying.

Lance Dragonsword

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


85k on malinons shield
IGN Lance Dragonsword



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by BlackOut777
Thanks for the clarification - so really apart from the "look" the Carapace (old version/desert version after SF update) and the Malinon shields have the exact same specs - correct? No, let me elaborate: (post-SF)

Crimson Carapace Shield (in the desert only now) or Grognar's Defender
Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while in stance)
Damage -2 (while in stance)

Crimson Carapace Shield (in the desert and near Camp Rankor)
Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while hexed)
Damage -2 (while hexed)

Malinon's Shield (SF only)
Armor: 16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Damage -2 (while enchanted)

So the difference is whether you want in stance, while hexed, or while enchanted. There was never a collector's max armor enchanted shield, although there might be a less than max armor one.

And yes, I bid 60k on Brohn's Staff. The thing refuses to drop for me, but it loves everyone else.

Winter Lady

Winter Lady

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fused Source


Originally Posted by Corwin Feist
Usual stuff applies... I'll keep the auction up for 48 hrs from posting. Reserves on all items. Gold only (though would welcome globs instead).

Green Rago's Flame Wand
Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Fire magic +1 (20%)
Improves Skill Charge Fire Magic skills (20%) c/o 50k b/o---

Green 'The Kindlerock'
Energy +12 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Fire magic +1 (20%)
Improves Skill Charge (20%) c/o 30k b/o---

To my knowledge, the stats you listed for the Green Rago's Flame Wand is incorrect.

You also probably had another typo there with the skill recharge of Fire Magic on
The Kindlerock

/free bump



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


3k vokur's chakram
4k bortak's bone claw

ign - Strider Kaaru


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

90k on Malinon's Shield

IGN Thunger Ardanien

Lance Dragonsword

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


95k on Malinons Shield

Corwin Feist

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Our Name is Legion


Last Bump from me. Auction ends tomorrow


Ruoenkruez Tudor

Ruoenkruez Tudor

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

with Jessica Alba


100k for both Kindlerock and Ragos wand(together not each)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Gathering of Friends [GoF]

5k for Vokur's Chakram

IGN: Edana Moordenaar



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


72k brohn's staff



Join Date: Jul 2005

LBS running academy


8k bortaks ign eat u alive