Quick dye question



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Ok, I just dyed my armor silver and then bought some gloves and made them silver too. The problem is that my gloves are a darker silver-grey than my armor. Now they look misplaced. So my idea is to throw some black into the armor to make it darker. The thing is, should I remove the silver that's already on it or should I just throw on the black?

Now, normally I wouldn't mind removing the silver and putting on some black since silver isn't that expencive. The problem is that the black might be TOO dark. So if I remove the silver, put on some black and then discover it's too dark, will I have to remove the black, buy some more, mix it with silver and THEN put it on the armor to make it a color in-between dark black and light silver?

The question might be a little confusing but I was hoping someone would understand and answer. I don't feel comfortable experimenting with black dye...

Actually, the question is wether colors can only mix while in bottles or will they mix when they are already on the item. Someone answer that?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

From what I've seen, whatever dye you apply will override the dye already on it. So you don't have to spend money on Dye Remover, I think. For dyes you just mix them in bottles, I don't think they mix on armors.

However, the final result of applying a dye on a particular armor depends on the base color of the armor. Every armor has a default color that partially mixes with the dye you apply. It perhaps would be more beneficial if you specified what armor you're specifically trying to dye. Maybe someone has the answer.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Hmm, the armor I'm dying is the 15K Gladiator.

As soon as I bought it, I used a dye remover on it so it was just grey. Then I used silver on it which somehow made it slightly blue-ish silver. That was fine until I did the the EXACT same thing to Knight's gloves. They went sorta darkish-grey instead.

But you don't think using a blue on an armor and then a yellow will make it green? You have to do it outside of armor? That's fine by me, I just wanna be sure.

Fungus Amongus

Fungus Amongus

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare] | [Rare] Alliance

Use the black. If it turns out too dark, then just add some silver to lighten it up. I am not saying this is guaranteed, but it's a less risky option.

Edit~The above is bad advice, dying an already dyed piece of equipment will replace, not mix, the dye.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

15k Glad armor turns gray when you use Dye Remover on it? I've been trying that for ages and mine just turns the normal yellow.

I'm not sure what's wrong with your armor, but I could have sworn Knight's and Glad had the same base yellow color. If they don't, that would explain the disparity.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Hmm, they might have the same base color but I used a dye remover on them both before adding silver and that turned out different.

On a second thought though, you're right, my 15K Gladi didn't go grey I went yellow. Well, base-yellow. But they still turned out differently after I used a remover on both.

And Fungus, I would do that I just don't know if the silver WILL actually lighten it up. I mean, are you sure it won't just completely remove the black and make it silver?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005


what you might do is take a piece of armor and some of the cheap dye colors and experiment with them to see if it simply over writes the old or has any kind of mixing effect.

wont say black/silver go by the same rules as the others but you would have a better idea how they work. (try several different colors)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

It makes it just pure silver, I'm certain. I'm trying to figure out why exactly we need Dye Remover now.


Went and tested it myself. Knight's actually is a darker shade of yellow, while 15 Glad is lighter. I would try Black but, well, dyes are a gold sink after all. Just play around, you'll find something eventually.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Yeah, I just experimented myself. I used my last money to buy a black dye. I removed the silver on the armor and then dyed it black. It looked alot better but it was SLIGHTLY too dark. I tested it by throwing in some silver, on top of the black and BAM. Black color gone; silver only left standing.

What a bummer. But now I know that I should mix a black and a silver beforehand and then color my armor.

Waste of 6K for that black. Broke now. Will get on top again eventually.

And oh yeah, thanks alot for the help. Very nice of you to respond. Guess I wasn't patient enough to wait for a clear answer. Oh well. Thanks alot anyway.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Savio
I'm trying to figure out why exactly we need Dye Remover now.
it is a very nice little gold sink of its own



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Originally Posted by Savio
It makes it just pure silver, I'm certain. I'm trying to figure out why exactly we need Dye Remover now.
On certain armors dye remover REALLY changes the color, like I think the blue platemail will turn gold with remover. Also, from what I've heard (haven't actually tried it yet), dye remover mixed with a color will make the color brighter.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by melbo
On certain armors dye remover REALLY changes the color, like I think the blue platemail will turn gold with remover. Also, from what I've heard (haven't actually tried it yet), dye remover mixed with a color will make the color brighter.
Yeah, some armors start out already dyed, but since we're messing around dying armors anyway the original dye gets lost.

Dye remover mixed with a color seems to simultaneously dramatically lighten the color of dye you mix it with, as well as make the base color of the armor show through. It seems to be why mixing dye remover with yellow and such seem to make such good gold dyes for Warrior armors, which usually have yellow bases.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

buys 5 dye removers and goes to vault to play with a bunch of dyes

thanks for info



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sooner Nation


okay. i have a knights helm and 15k gladiator armor. i didnt use any dye remover, and both came out the same shade of silver when i dyed them. and yes, dye gets overriden if you dye over it...so dye remover is silly. heres my warrior....

your best bet would be to use five dye removers and experiment, like most people have said.

Sai of Winter

Sai of Winter

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005



I have a dye question...what dye do you use on a holy rod to make it blue? I tried blue dye but it did not work.

Vitamin Dew

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005


Is it possible to get white? Maybe using dye remover mixed with silver to lighten it?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)



That's how my warrior looks now. Notice how the shoulder blade looks alot different from the Knight's glove right beside it? That's what I want to change. Maybe a black/silver combo?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

LA.. not Lions Arch


I had the same problem mixing glads and knights armor matching up to the same silver. The gladiators comes out a bright silver with the knights dull-grey. Mix black and silver dye on the Gladiator pieces then dye the Knights pieces with silver only.

Here's mine. It's pretty close to matching silver/grey.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Thanks that looks much better. Gonna try that once I get my finances up and running again.