15k aeromancer: different?
Click to enlarge. The lines on the armor to the left appear "sharper" than the one on the right; this holds true while in-game.
I asked the other person if they had used a mixture of dyes instead; they had not. (The person didn't even notice a difference between our two sets until I took a screencap and showed them.) I don't think it's a lighting/angle issue. Noticed this already with some (but not all) other characters that wear the 15k set.
Any explanations for why the two look different? Could it be because I used other dyes on the pieces before I dyed it black? (But, new dyes apparently overwrite the old colors on the armor...so that can't be it.)
Is the armor on the left (the "sharper" image) your character?
If the "sharper" image is your own, that's exactly why. The game render's everyone else in towns/outpost's in a low-res version.
Just take a look at the armor's of players in outposts/towns and you'll see they look fuzzy, not greatly detailed, etc.. While if you took them out into a mission or a EA then you'd see the armor at full res.
Just take a look at the armor's of players in outposts/towns and you'll see they look fuzzy, not greatly detailed, etc.. While if you took them out into a mission or a EA then you'd see the armor at full res.
and we can thank em for doing that otherwise some comps wouldnt be able to handle it :'(
Originally Posted by kamatsu
If the "sharper" image is your own, that's exactly why. The game render's everyone else in towns/outpost's in a low-res version.
Just take a look at the armor's of players in outposts/towns and you'll see they look fuzzy, not greatly detailed, etc.. While if you took them out into a mission or a EA then you'd see the armor at full res. |