15k aeromancer: different?


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


Click to enlarge. The lines on the armor to the left appear "sharper" than the one on the right; this holds true while in-game.

I asked the other person if they had used a mixture of dyes instead; they had not. (The person didn't even notice a difference between our two sets until I took a screencap and showed them.) I don't think it's a lighting/angle issue. Noticed this already with some (but not all) other characters that wear the 15k set.

Any explanations for why the two look different? Could it be because I used other dyes on the pieces before I dyed it black? (But, new dyes apparently overwrite the old colors on the armor...so that can't be it.)


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Is the armor on the left (the "sharper" image) your character?




Join Date: May 2005


If the "sharper" image is your own, that's exactly why. The game render's everyone else in towns/outpost's in a low-res version.

Just take a look at the armor's of players in outposts/towns and you'll see they look fuzzy, not greatly detailed, etc.. While if you took them out into a mission or a EA then you'd see the armor at full res.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


and we can thank em for doing that otherwise some comps wouldnt be able to handle it :'(


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


Originally Posted by kamatsu
If the "sharper" image is your own, that's exactly why. The game render's everyone else in towns/outpost's in a low-res version.

Just take a look at the armor's of players in outposts/towns and you'll see they look fuzzy, not greatly detailed, etc.. While if you took them out into a mission or a EA then you'd see the armor at full res.
That would explain why. Thanks.