Skeleton shield 9req
+30life always
50k b/o
tall shield 8req tact
+26 life always
+8 vs trolls
15k b/o
ornate buckler 8req tact
25k b/o
skeleton shield 8req
+25life always
10k b/o
Defender 11req str
rec disease
5k b/o
PLZZZZZZz leave ign if ur bidding and plannin on buying
edit also added
max composite bow 9req
6k b/o
Wts lots shields
Chaos Theory Pvp
No 1 Skeleton shield + 30 always - buyout 50k , IGN Riven Hawkmaster , thanx
Defender 11req str
rec disease
5k b/o
i offer 1k
rec disease
5k b/o
i offer 1k
retract bid..
my mistake i thought its a str shield
b/o 10k
ign:karas karas
my mistake i thought its a str shield

b/o 10k
ign:karas karas
888 ate 888
if he doesnt want it ill offer 60k(skeleton)
ign sir shadesblades
and you know you like 60
ign sir shadesblades
and you know you like 60