Maybe this isn't so much of a problem if I were to stay out of districts 1-3 in major towns, but I like to actually to use the local chat for talking to more than 10 people at the same time. It kind of gets annoying to get spammed over and over again. "WTS..." "Selling GODLY *insert ungodly items and mods here*" etc. I'm just wondering if any others also feel that trade be kept strictly in the channel? Like if there was a way to filter it.
Or at least have a way to filter your own chat, ie. "Checkmark: Filter all users using words....WTS, WTB, etc."
Just a suggestion.
Keeping trade in the trade channel.
This has been brought up before, and
However, maybe there should be a LFG channel too. Those who are trying to form a group aren't generally shopping at the same time - and hopefully the entrepreneurs realize this and stay off. (Fat chance, I know!)
However, maybe there should be a LFG channel too. Those who are trying to form a group aren't generally shopping at the same time - and hopefully the entrepreneurs realize this and stay off. (Fat chance, I know!)
I suggest they change the color of the font for trading. It is like magenta and is kinda hard to read in a bright background.
Its a good idea, but people will change the way they say WTB, so i think it would be better if they made certain districs eg. Englsih European Distric 5 (Trading) or English European Distric 4 (Group Making). At least this way there will be more trading people then other people in a desenated trade distric
Mr Wolfmaster
People want to advertise to as many other peopole as possable. That's why they sometimes post in both chats. Having trading districts might fix the issue but I think the auction house might fix the problems in the future.
Though they like the idea of making WTS and WTB auto triggers like the $ is now for trade channel, they are also aware that everyone will suddenly change to something else to avoid being forced in the trade Chanel for spamming their wares... I personally would like to see a permanent lock on spamming. if its more then twice you get warned... 4th time kicked from channel. Or squelched to the channel. that would be even better...
an auction house will not fix it. it will slightly lessen it MAYBE... but it will never go away as long as there are bossy pissy, crabby, inconsiderate, people in the game. guess what that means? it will never be gone totally... they do it to be obnoxious. that's the ONLY reason they do it. period.
Try spamming them back in private every time the do it in public... Boy it pisses them off. guess why? they are now inconvenienced. Gee why should I care then huh?
an auction house will not fix it. it will slightly lessen it MAYBE... but it will never go away as long as there are bossy pissy, crabby, inconsiderate, people in the game. guess what that means? it will never be gone totally... they do it to be obnoxious. that's the ONLY reason they do it. period.
Try spamming them back in private every time the do it in public... Boy it pisses them off. guess why? they are now inconvenienced. Gee why should I care then huh?