In game dealing with everyone interested in shield close thread auction over.
shadow shield +30 health always
Aeryn Dimeneira
IGN : Aeryn Dimeneira
IGN : Aeryn Dimeneira
50k to start you off in the right direction destin
Aeryn Dimeneira
60k to get back on my feet
Aeryn Dimeneira
100K + 1ecto
100k and 5 ectos, in game name Crymzen Rayge
400k ^^
bump, yea there are alot of perfectionist in this game one point can mean alot of money =)
bump, changed buyout to 500k
Ummm... since the b/o changed while I was posting here, I withdraw my bid.
thought I might have had it sold for 500k so I changed buyout just in case but we were working with items if anyone does offer me 500k hard cash I will take it. Im not sure what to set as a buyout as I got no help in pc forums. If you were afraid of getting ripped off you would too. I say I will just work something out with ayds if its possible. Also you were outbid so why retract? *also meant to edit and posted a new reply =/ so I guess auction will be closed. I will probably not repost I will either try and work a deal out with ayds or anyone can pm me about it. Oh I see now while you were posting nvm sorry about that thought you were talking about earlier bid.
Regardless of whether this gets closed or not, I will offer the 500k that the b/o was when I was making the post. If that is acceptable to you, add me as Crymzen Rayge and consider it sold. No problem either way man, it is yours to sell.

Sold to idburnu, he was very very trustworthy and gave 500k over before recieving item. I would like to note this in his feedback but for some reason I cannot.. =/