Saphics Weapons And Upgrades (Lots of Golds And Purples, Identified and Unidentified)

Saphic The Unclean

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005




Defender (req 8 str)
recieved damage -1 (while enchanted)
quick recover from poison

Shocking Twin hammer of Fortitude
Lightning dmg 19-35 (req 12 hammer mastery)
damage +15% (while enchanted)
Health +28

Zealous Warhammer of Defense
blunt dmg 19-35(req. 12 hammer mastery)
damage +13% (while enchanted)
energy gain on hit +1
-1 energy regen
+4 armor

Poisoners Half Moon Of Fortitude
Piercing dmg 15-28(req 13 marksmanship)
damage +13% vs hexed foes
health +23
lengthens poison duration on foe

UNIDENTIFIED gold maxdmg shortbow (req 8 marksmanship)


Crippling Great Axe (req 9 axe mastery)
slashing dmg 6-28
+11% dmg while health is above 50%
lengthens crippled duration on foe

Firey Chaos Axe
fire dmg 6-28 (req 12 axe mastery)
dmg+11% (while in stance)

Wingblade Sword
slashing dmg 15-22 (req 12 swordsmanship)
dmg +11% (while health is above 50%)

UNIDENTIFIED Max dmg great axe (req 7 axe mastery)

UNIDENTIFIED Max dmg cesta (req 9 death magic)

UNIDENTIFIED Max dmg war hammer (req 9 hammer mastery)

UNIDENTIFIED Max AR Shield of the Wing (req 9 tactics)


bowgrip of fortitude (+28)

bowgrip of fortitude (+27)

bowgrip of warding (+7ar vs elemental)

Zealous hammer haft

furious hammer haft (6%)

icy hammer haft

heavy hammer haft

shocking sword hilt

ebon sword hilt

barbed axe haft

IN GAME NAMES: Saphic The Unclean or Corbin Dallass

I can usually be contacted between 10pm and 1pm pst in game using the IGN's above. each item has a hidden buyout that is within reason. auction will close in 1 week, anyone who reaches the buyout on an item can contact me via pm and or in game and we can exchange whenever. forgive me if i've forgotten anything, i'm not really good at this.......

Saphic The Unclean

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


online and available to trade now

Saphic The Unclean

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

