1. Actually my friend encounter this "Mo/E" I figured that he/she uses Flare, Whirling wind and lightning orb, then he died...after rez she continued with gale, inferno and then a Healing Breeze!! astonishing!
2. Warrior...our monk in my team mentioned that he heals 2 times him and 2 of our teammates including monk with heal area...remarkable choise for a warrior!! almost felt sorry for their ele who tried his aoe

3. again the monk! at the start he used aura of restoration and when i asked why he used that he said that he dont have infinite mana

couple of times i have seen some warriors with staff or wands and so on...but maybe there is some thing that i cant understand...
...sorry my eyes are so wet that i cant continue anymore, maybe you my fellow travellers can make some additions...