As usual, I reserve the right not to sell if the bids do not meet my minimum reserves.

Min bid on the dragon sword is 250k. It's high, but it's worth it. Think of it as your ticket onto ever single SF farming party you'd ever want to join. The hammers are about 100k each. Wands are around 30k each. The Eternal perhaps 10k.
As you can see, there is a new addition at the bottom of this auction. That baby is worth a TON, and we all know it ^_^ So, let's see how deep those pockets are! I am also selling this in-game, so feel free to contact me if you want to try and buyout. In game I am asking a min bid of 44 ectos, heh, and I will update here if I get a bid in-game, as well as PM the current high bidder here so people have a chance to respond.
Unless you bid in the above ranges, don't be so confident you'll get the item.
To the guy who bid 5k on my Twin, thanks for a free bump LOL
As an aside to the people who have posted "informative" little blurbs here about my prices, I will have it known that I sell such items at such prices quite frequently, so it may be that you are all compulsive lowballers, but I dont sell near perfect hammers for 5k so don't spoil yourselves. Plus, who cares about the hammers. What about the 2 swords?!