I want to sell this item:
Gold Longsword 15-22 +14%>50 req. 10 swordmanship
+30 hp and 10/10 sundering upgrades.
You can pm me to see it if interested, I will accept only offers posted here.
I accept cash only, or ectos at 9k and shard 3.5k.
Auction will end in a week from now which will be the 15th of October.
Make reasonable offers I reserve the right to sell if I think the offer wont be good enough or i will end the bid earlier if i will get the right offer.
IGN Arya Nibelrund or Stella Lorelai.
WTS Gold Sundering Longsword of Fortitude +14%>50 +30hp 10/10 sundering
Arya Nibelrund
Arya Nibelrund
*daily bump*
Arya Nibelrund
*bump bump*
Arya Nibelrund
*bump bump bump*
Noone interested?
Noone interested?
50K on it.
Arya Nibelrund
Arya Nibelrund
*last bump*
Arya Nibelrund
Ok bid closed reserve not met. I'll sell it in game or I'll try another time.
closed as requested - shanksie
closed as requested - shanksie