Nate Is God
Wts sickle damage 6-21 req 7. please leave bid and IGN
AND WTS SIckle damage 5-11 damage +10% while health below 50%
1st c/o=8k b/o=100k or best offer
2nd c/o=2k b/o=8k
AND WTS SIckle damage 5-11 damage +10% while health below 50%
1st c/o=8k b/o=100k or best offer
2nd c/o=2k b/o=8k
Miraculix B.
1k on each
whats b/o?
whats b/o?
1.1k on ea
Miraculix B.
2k on each
Nate Is God
bump it up
One winged angel
3k on first one
I have a 6-19 req 7 I think if anyone here doesnt get one I will be more than happy to get rid of it for 3k
ok I just have to know. Are these things really that rare that people want non max ones? I find them quite often and just salvage them so they don't take up space. "free bump"
5K on #1
Originally Posted by sixdartbart
ok I just have to know. Are these things really that rare that people want non max ones? I find them quite often and just salvage them so they don't take up space. "free bump"
i find allot of the low dmg ones in ascalon, but the ones closer to max and max are pretty rare
7k first
8K on first
syrius el barbarian
10k on 1
Miraculix B.
b/o nr. 2
50k on number 1

60K on number 1

Nate Is God
bump, this will end tommorow
Bread Fan
Could someone explain to me why people are paying insane amounts for this sickle? It has no mods on it nor is it max. I have also seen other threads like this.
Originally Posted by Bread Fan
Could someone explain to me why people are paying insane amounts for this sickle? It has no mods on it nor is it max. I have also seen other threads like this.
It looks cool.
Going to have to keep this in mind. I have salvaged several of these with higher damage then this this week.

Nate Is God
this will end with the next person who bids 50k on the sickle. The person who bid 60k forgot about it and spent his money of fissure armor and the person who bid 50k didnt relize he had won and bought a different one. So the b/o is 50k. you can PM me in game . My names are Nate is God and Uber Soldat