Gambler's Wherehouse 17 unided max gold/purple items


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Men In Black

Or for people looking to unlock upgrades.

No pictures, since they are unided no real need IMO. I will say if they are rarer skins or not in decription.

Gold Items ALL MAX

A 8 req Gladius SOLD to 5K bid
B 8 req Galdius(SOLD)
C 8 req Gladius(SOLD)
D 8 req Galdius(sold)
E 8 req Flamberge(sold B/O)
F 13 req War Hammer(NOT spikey)

G 13 req Earth Staff (regular skin)
H 11 req Earth Staff(rare skin)
I 10 req Air shadow staff
J 8 req Earth shadow staff

K 8 tactics Round Shield
L 10 tactics Wooden Buckler

***ADD ONS***

M 11 req Summit Axe
N 11 req Battle pick
O 13 tactics Stone summit shield
P 11 req Earth Wand
Q 8 req Ram hammer
R 12 req Ram hammer
S 12 req War hammer (ram head)

Purples ALL MAX

1 11 req Fiery Dragon Sword SOLD
2 8 req War Hammer (NOT spikey)

3 8 Tactics Skeleton Shield
4 8 Tactics Skeleton Shield
5 10 Strength Defender

6 10 req Longbow(feathered)(sold B/O)

***ADD ONS***

7 8 reg Longbow (regular)
8 8 req Composite bow
9 8 req Composite bow

There are reserve prices and buy out prices on these items:

A 5k B/O 25KSOLD
B 5k B/O 25kSOLD
C 5K B/O 25kSOLD
D 5K B/O 25kSOLD
F 2k B/O 5k

G 5K B/O 10K
H 8K B/O 15k
I 8k B/O 15k
J 8K B/O 15k

K 3500 B/O 7500
L 2500 B/O 5000
M 8K B/O 15K
N 3500K B/O 5K
O 1k B/O 2500
P 1500 B/O 2500
Q 3500/B/O 5K
R 1K B/O 2500
S 1K B/O 2500

1 3k B/O 5KSOLD
2 1K B/O 2500

3 1K B/O 2500
4 1K B/O 2500
5 500g B/O 1500

6 500 B/O 1500SOLD
7 1.5K B/O 3500
8 1.5K B/O 3500
9 1.5K B/O 2500

May add items as I get them. Depending on interest in these items will go until Saturday 10/8, if not much interest until Sunday 10/9.

Any Items bought out will be delivered immediately at buyer's convenience in game.

All winning bidders will be notified in game if they leave an in game name, or by PM if they do not.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Men In Black



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Apocalyptica UK


5k on A then...

IGN nightspawn arnisse


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Men In Black

Item A will be sold to nightspawn arnisse.

Added a few other items.

Has to be some interest in that Flamberge I have seen them spammed in LA for 40K unided.