okay put your ideas down here
my 2 are:
Kinda like ranger's in the area of setting traps, but engineers can counter traps, build "barricades" for extra protection of teammates, they can make "Attention seeker" robots that are very strong tanks that draw all attention to it so all enemy npc's attack it while everyone else is free from attack
the engineer could also drop those barrels of gunpowder (griffon guano gives it an extra kick) that knock down enemies and set them on fire
they could also do enchantments that increase the power of all weapons in the area for a limited time...or armour
their main weapon could be a "throwing wrench" or something, and they should be the size of a dwarf if the proffession is taken as primary...
now for my next idea;
Arcane Apothacary/ Alchemist
Personnally i believe this isnt a good idea as it is similar to monk, elementalist and mesmer, but what i believe this class could do is specialise in potions and stuff, and be able to throw exploding potions, create adrenalin enhancing potions, Ice potions that freeze the enemy, vials of holy water that when used creates a well of health regen to all party members apart from necro's who gain energy regen (dumb idea), or immolate potions that when placed all allies have a "friendly fire on them" that when you go in range of an enemy they catch fire, the fire doesnt hurt you.
they could also have like sticky goo potions that when thrown at an enemy they are stuck in goo and attack 60% slower but with a 5% increase in power (have to balance it up) they could also have acid potions that cause a armour decrease....etc...etc
okay those are my ideas, comeon guys posy your own
Ideas For New Classes
Blind Rage
geez dude thats nice but go play WoW if ya want that stuff
Blind Rage
does world of warcraft have that stuff? gay....i just thought of it last night.....
plus world of warcraft is shit
plus world of warcraft is shit
Ventius Hozza
Heres an idea:
A proper tank: Totally 0wnz0rzZ^ every n00b on t3h pl4y1ngf13ld.
Errr, no
A proper tank: Totally 0wnz0rzZ^ every n00b on t3h pl4y1ngf13ld.
Errr, no
Mr Wolfmaster
I don't like the engineer but the second hero is alright.
Hey n33b.
And to make un-Spam my post, I think I'll comment a bit.
The can't really foresee the engineer being of much use beyond PvP - and possibly, Thunderhead Keep. Manipulating terrain independently of targets would be a welcome addition to PvP, in my opinion, but it would certainly be a strange option for PvE.
Your Alchemist idea seems a little unfocused - as if it's trying to be an enchanter, healer, protector - you know? Feels almost like a...monk...O_o
And to make un-Spam my post, I think I'll comment a bit.
The can't really foresee the engineer being of much use beyond PvP - and possibly, Thunderhead Keep. Manipulating terrain independently of targets would be a welcome addition to PvP, in my opinion, but it would certainly be a strange option for PvE.
Your Alchemist idea seems a little unfocused - as if it's trying to be an enchanter, healer, protector - you know? Feels almost like a...monk...O_o
alchemist should be like a branch of a class....engineer should just a specific branch too
Nuff' said.
Nuff' said.
How about a char thats naturally frail, but real quick and sneaky, give it attributes like dagger mastery and a class specific attribute like speed or stealth, that would give an all time speed buff or reduce aggro range, First problem I guess it would have would be people using it to run, which would mean having their armour set really low, what I'm trying to get at is a really fast character, that runs around stabbing people in the back and getting the hell out of the way before they get hammered.. and to balance things they could have terrible damage absorbtion, just an idea
Chipp Zanuff
mmm u want to make an assasin then?
that's a nice idea.
and what about a summoner too?
that's a nice idea.
and what about a summoner too?
Yeh a summoner would be a nice idea.
He can summon elementals or whatever depending on the branch you go down.
He can banish other minions in the area and summon massive rifts and portals that do damage.
He can summon elementals or whatever depending on the branch you go down.
He can banish other minions in the area and summon massive rifts and portals that do damage.