So that all people know:: the Official GwG in game Locale/hangout/trade center is in the INTERNATIONAL district of ice tooth..lets make that effort to be there as often as we can !!!
**Due to the slowdown in consistant votes, the voting will end THIS WEEKEND. OFFICIAL ENDING DATE IS SUNDAY OCTOBER 16th @ 12:00AM PACIFIC TIME!! CLARIFICATION:: Sunday evening 12:00am, or Saturday Morning 12:00am:: Means teh same thing =P >>GET THE WORD OUT TO MORE VOTERS!! =P ty
<^> Updated often and constantly daily! <^>
As the title says...

This idea has been thrown around in the EtC forum for a while now. This idea may have been on many forum pplz minds, so PODO has initiated a thread open to such ideas. Here is that thread for reference::
Long thread, short:: People think that a common in game locale for GwG forum members to culminate would be both useful and fun! This agreed upon location would serve MANY purposes such as: give a spot for all GwG people to hang out, meet eachother, build community, complete forum trades/transactions, spam trade details in game to eachother, initiate GwG events, discuss all things game, and discuss all things non-game! (that wasnt so long now was it?
THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD, is NOT for arguments, nonsense etc, please try and stay on topic in here!...i am trying to gather all the current ideas into one headlining post here so that all who care can caste votes. If you have additional ideas for locations and such you can post them here, however if they require lots of discussion you can use the above link to post.
Here are the current nomination Locales::
}}International District{{
1. Henge of Denravi
2. Maguuma Stade (9 votes)
3. Quarrel Falls (2 votes)
4. Bergen Hot Springs (1 vote)
5. BeetleTun (3 vote)
6. Ice Tooth Cave (32 votes)
7. Marhan's Grotto (19 votes)
8. Lion's Arch (1 vote)
9. Serenity Temple (2 vote)
>>more to come?
Since this forum does not have the "poll" features, when casting your vote, PLEASE be clear on what choice you are making. Only one vote per person, and also give small input on where your timezone is, and when you are usually on so that others can easily meet up if wanted...
Again, additional ideas welcome. I will try to update vote tallies as best as possible (i work off and on so there will be slow periods of updates). If you just wanna babble, blah blah blah, etc etc about this great idea dont forget the other thread! Spread the WORD!!
^^P.S. Mods feel free to help out, if this is considered a big idea!^^

**UPDATE of IDEAS (10/07/05)::Two more ideas have surfaced in this thread. The first idea is a staging area for the PvP only people, which is fine, so for those who wish for an official GwG arena Locale, then when voting state specifically which vote is for the overal Locale, and which is for the Arena Locale. Second idea, is said that perhaps the current location votes are too far past new players reach (this may be true, so all others can state if this is truelly a concern/care or not, AND provide any solution ideas) Thanks!
**UPDATE (10/12/05):: OFFICIAL ENDING DATE IS SUNDAY OCTOBER 16th @ 12:00AM PACIFIC TIME!! CLARIFICATION:: Sunday evening 12:00am, or Saturday Morning 12:00am:: Means teh same thing =P