Crazy Idea - Balancing
Como Fort
Heh, just a crazy idea I had here.
You know how you can make the game balanced in a way thats simple? Easy. Delete the whole idea of a second profession.
Think about it. It could get rid of smiting (even though its not used anymore), energy denial Monks, Fragility spike, IWAY, FoC spike, un-interruptable trappers etc.
I know its crazy, but if everyone only had one profession it would be sooooo much easier to make the game balanced.
What do you think?
You know how you can make the game balanced in a way thats simple? Easy. Delete the whole idea of a second profession.
Think about it. It could get rid of smiting (even though its not used anymore), energy denial Monks, Fragility spike, IWAY, FoC spike, un-interruptable trappers etc.
I know its crazy, but if everyone only had one profession it would be sooooo much easier to make the game balanced.
What do you think?
Tuoba Hturt Eht
It would make the whole game much, much boring. I think.
I'll rather prefer ANET's regular updating of the skills etc.
It would make the whole game much, much boring. I think.
I'll rather prefer ANET's regular updating of the skills etc.
The uniqueness of the game is the second profession. Take that away and you take away a major part of the game and it's intricacies.
Perishiko ReLLiK
Just a few words to the poster out of my own heart.
"Wow, that would suck!"
"Wow, that would suck!"
Slade xTekno
As if Warriors didn't have it hard enough already... >_>
Mesmers would be godly.
This is supposed to be sarcastic right? It's nothing more than a clever version of the "OMG Just make everyone the same class and only have one skill!!!!" garbage that gets thrown around when people are upset.
One of the most basic concepts of game balance is that variety and balance are inversely proportional. Does this mean all games should eliminate variety in order to achieve a more perfect balance? I think not.
Thread over.
One of the most basic concepts of game balance is that variety and balance are inversely proportional. Does this mean all games should eliminate variety in order to achieve a more perfect balance? I think not.
Thread over.
No jeno, the threads not over, and there's no need to flame everyone as you seem to on threads you reply to. stfu
Its a good suggestion como, THE basic concept of the game is individual skill and what better to show this skill than in a balanced game
This would help balance the game
But what the game also needs is variety, and this wouldn't allow this, therefore it may not work, although in the future maybe in the expansion when there is another new profession this could be a decent option to look at... as there would be variety.

Its a good suggestion como, THE basic concept of the game is individual skill and what better to show this skill than in a balanced game

This would help balance the game

But what the game also needs is variety, and this wouldn't allow this, therefore it may not work, although in the future maybe in the expansion when there is another new profession this could be a decent option to look at... as there would be variety.
Well, it would help balance the game but it would also detract immeasurably from the fun and appeal. So no.
It would destroy balance. Think people. The secondary professions are often your only means to countoer someone's primary. Look at rangers. No hex removal whatsoever now. None. Need the secondary for that. Warriors would never have a chance to beat a ranger ever again, let alone a hydromancer.
Serious need of the Bad Idea stamp on this thread.
Serious need of the Bad Idea stamp on this thread.
Originally Posted by Timoz
This would help balance the game
![]() |
The class combinations exist in order to reinforce and make your primary role (not class, mind you) better. Condition/Hex removal on a War, Energy Management on a Monk, etc.
Individual skill also applies to the intelligence to come up with working builds. Only having one class hinders skill in that sense as well.
In conclusion, this idea is garbage, goes against the spirit of Guild Wars, inhibits player creativity, and a post isn't a flame if it disagrees with your position or tells the frellin' truth.
Como Fort
No it just means that you use each profession fairly than some lame ranger build or IWAY. It is the truth. Think about it. You combine 8 different professions and there you go, will be much easier.
Rangers have Monks to get rid of hexes etc, so no your wrong in that idea as well ^^.
You counter primaries with other primaries so no one person can counter two.
Also I don't understand on how relying on another profession makes the game unbalanced? Thats what the other professions are there for. ^^
Rangers have Monks to get rid of hexes etc, so no your wrong in that idea as well ^^.
You counter primaries with other primaries so no one person can counter two.
Also I don't understand on how relying on another profession makes the game unbalanced? Thats what the other professions are there for. ^^
Como, no offense, but it's really obvious that you don't know how this game works. You know that energy is a huge part of this game right? And you also know that it takes energy to get rid of conditions, hexes, and enchantments? And that's it much easier to put up conditions, hexes, and enchantments than it is to remove them, making rangers, warriors and elementalists very easy prey? And as such, the meta would be nothing but mesmers, monks, and necros who are the only classes that have primary counters to conditions, hexes, and enchantments?
One and Two
OMGzors! No more secondary classes!
Take a deep breath, give Guild Wars to some first grader, and go Matrix Online.
Take a deep breath, give Guild Wars to some first grader, and go Matrix Online.
Originally Posted by AeroLion
Como, no offense, but it's really obvious that you don't know how this game works. You know that energy is a huge part of this game right? And you also know that it takes energy to get rid of conditions, hexes, and enchantments? And that's it much easier to put up conditions, hexes, and enchantments than it is to remove them, making rangers, warriors and elementalists very easy prey? And as such, the meta would be nothing but mesmers, monks, and necros who are the only classes that have primary counters to conditions, hexes, and enchantments?
Aero, como has made builds which win halls and hold before and work in gvg etc.

The thing is if you removed second professions they wouldnt just do that and leave it, there would still be balancing left to do. Imo, i hope this doesn't happen as i like the second professions, but i see how it would help balance.
I mean, a ranger carrying a wand and a focus item..hmm
Lag Hell
Wow!!! Awsome Idea Man!!!
Originally Posted by Timoz
Aero, como has made builds which win halls and hold before and work in gvg etc.
![]() |
Originally Posted by Align
Last I checked, being able to play a game doesn't make you a master at balancing it. Or knowing what is fun.
Originally Posted by Como Fort
Think about it. It could get rid of smiting (even though its not used anymore), energy denial Monks, Fragility spike, IWAY, FoC spike, un-interruptable trappers etc.
GW is designed to be balanced with second classes. It would be NOT BALANCED if you strip the second classes.
This definitaly is one of the worst (serious) suggestions on this forum, but what I could see is them limiting elite skills to primary professions only (that is to say, a Warrior cannot use Healing Hands).
I mean, why would an elementalist be an elite axe user >_>
I mean, why would an elementalist be an elite axe user >_>
Originally Posted by BigTru
This definitaly is one of the worst (serious) suggestions on this forum, but what I could see is them limiting elite skills to primary professions only (that is to say, a Warrior cannot use Healing Hands).
I mean, why would an elementalist be an elite axe user >_> |
The fact that you have two classes is already balanced. It would be moreso if they actually took the time to give Necros some benefits, considering that the only reason I'd ever play a necro primary is due to the rune upgrades, whereas most everything else has a decent primary attribute.
This is a bad idea, and not just for the whole "no hex removal on my ranger" thing-- it's a bad idea due to the fact that it would cut the number of unique builds by an extraordinary percent. What, you're getting tired of all the people playing IWAY? Just wait until you remove that second class. Then what's left for the warrior?
"Hi, I'm stances/axe!" "Hi, I'm hammer and strength!" "Hi, I'm tactics and swords!"
Originally Posted by BigTru
This definitaly is one of the worst (serious) suggestions on this forum, but what I could see is them limiting elite skills to primary professions only (that is to say, a Warrior cannot use Healing Hands).
I mean, why would an elementalist be an elite axe user >_> |
My point from earlier stands. You could remove secondary professions to aid in balancing. Anything that limits variety will aid in balancing. However, ANet already knew that; they'd have to, since it is a game theory basic and all. They chose variety for immersion, complexity, or whatever other reasons, and knew from day one that this would cause problems with balancing. It's why they put so much atttention and focus on balancing, whether or not anyone thinks they're doing a good job.
Ventius Hozza
Heres an idea to make the game balanced:
Make it a FPS and then everyone is equal. Perfect huh?
Make it a FPS and then everyone is equal. Perfect huh?
NO, just NO! A part of the fun in GW is secondary/primary proffesion.
Indeed; the game would at best only become "Rock, Paper, Scissors".
The ranger beats the warrior, which beats the mesmer, which beats the monk, which beats the elementalist, which beats the ranger. (Or something else).
I don't like the idea all that much.
The ranger beats the warrior, which beats the mesmer, which beats the monk, which beats the elementalist, which beats the ranger. (Or something else).
I don't like the idea all that much.
the ability for iway builds and other "cheap" builds is what makes GW so fun; the flexibility you ahve.
Mr Wolfmaster
Some of you missed the point that he said "it's a crazy idea." I mean it's nothing to get mad or insault over. It's just something open for discussion.
This isn't a good idea tho cause it would take away the tiny tiny character depth that gw has....*Sigh* I miss charecter depth...
Yeah I know I spelled some stuff wrong sorry.
This isn't a good idea tho cause it would take away the tiny tiny character depth that gw has....*Sigh* I miss charecter depth...

Yeah I know I spelled some stuff wrong sorry.

i'd be like a runescape but with better graphics.....a big friggin hexagon of can kill so-so but so-so would only kill so-so....
Zhou Feng
Originally Posted by Como Fort
Heh, just a crazy idea I had here. Delete the whole idea of a second profession. Think about it. It could get rid of energy denial Monks I know its crazy
I dont like this idea at all and seriously hope it never gets implemented.
Como Fort
LoL. Dude, I am a Monk. I wouldn't want the Energy Denial Monks to go away obviously, but I used it to make the idea seem more appealing to everyone else lol, and also to show that its not just about what I want.
Originally Posted by Guizzy
Indeed; the game would at best only become "Rock, Paper, Scissors".
The ranger beats the warrior, which beats the mesmer, which beats the monk, which beats the elementalist, which beats the ranger. (Or something else). I don't like the idea all that much. |
The versitility (sp?) to be able to create and counter different builds/professions is part of the challenge to this game. you complain about IWAY, do a search. there are so many posted iway counters it isnt funny. why take away the versitility (sp?) of the game because youre tired of seeing FOTM builds? build a good counter that can negate the affects of it and gg, or heres a though, read the skills and find a balanced overpowered build yourself that no one would expect you to use. that way when u roll them they will be like OMGWTF!!!11!! howd u do that H4X0RZ!!!1!!
Como Fort
Its like you said me and my friends are tired of FOTM builds - It is NOT that we can't beat them!