Insanely Wack Acention Run

Gabrial Strife


Join Date: Aug 2005

I just thought of one Sick run that can be done in around 3hrs. *For the Rich only unfortunately*

Payment: 50k, Alrdy freaked huh?

This will get 3 players Acended, starting from ascalon. I, the other day, ran 2 people for ascalon for 20k each to augory rock, in about 30-40mins, and running the sanctum cay mission alone.

So I did a test for myself, I alrdy know I can get to the crystal desert alone but running the missions alone? Probably not possible, but there is a solution to this, that is 8 player stops *hinder hinder*, if I go to ToA or the Warcamp I can pick up some hefty NPC's to do the missions on this run. The test showed great results seeing it did work.

So Practically the Run is:
*Bonus Trip to Droks if need be*
*Pick up the NPC Buddies or (some friends will share payment)*
Ascalon--->Sanctum Cay
~Run Mission~
Oasis---->Dunes of Despair
~Run Mission~
Augary Rock---->Destiny's Gorge
Destiny's Gorge---->Thirsty River
~Run Mission~
Augary Rock----> Elona's Reach
~Run Mission~
###ALL DONE###

Pretty Crazy stuff and also saves people an Crap-load of time too, For Ascention Tips on beating the Doopleganger at Levels 10-15 just lemme know. I've alrdy done it at level 8 with my old warrior, *also with my ele,monk,necro and levels higher then that*.

Lemme know what you all think of this if its a fair price or if any comments on this.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

It's not possible to run the Thirsty River mission.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seraphic Legion


did you fight the mobs and all completely by yourself? (on thirsty river)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

No, if you read his post his plan is to go to the Southern Shiverpeaks, drag the henchies along, and do the missions. Which actually isn't possible by the way, as the henchies reset every time you enter a town or outpost, so they'll go back to lvl 10 or whatever once you reach Beacon's Perch.

50k also seems ridiculously high, as if you add up the 2-3k a person charges for a run from one segment to the next, you could probably get several different people do run you through the missions and stuff for 20k or so. The added convenience of having one person do it all just doesn't seem worth an extra 30k, maybe a bit less.

Gabrial Strife


Join Date: Aug 2005

They dont reset for me? Is this new to the upgrade of the game?

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

I remember they use to have the bug where if you go to temple of ages and fill the team with 8, then reach sanctum cay... you would still have the 8 with you, and you can do sanctum cay with 8... but I don't remember if the 8 stay once you finish sanctum cay.




Join Date: May 2005


All henchies get reset when you enter a city/outpost but not a mission (unless they have changed it). Thus you can go to ToA and go do Santum Clay mission with 8 henchies, but moment you finish it you get put in a city which then resets the henchies to that cities level as well as party size.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Rise of the Forsaken


Actually the henchies don't reset in every outpost. I took the gang from ToA to Fisherman's Haven, and they stayed in the 8 man formation when going in there, going out and continuing to Sanctum Cay.

I do know they reset in Beacon's Perch however, I actually fought my way from Camp Rankor to Beacon's Perch with henchies. When I entered Beacon's Perch they all disappeared, as if I had gone there alone.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

I think it is that if the hench level in the area change, the older version of henchs get remove...

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005's just ANet saying SCREW YOU. Dissapointing for those people who took the time to get there....

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


1) Henches have functioned the same since release: when you enter an outpost, their levels are adjusted to those found in that outpost. If you take lvl 20 warcamp henches and go to Beacons, they become lvl 8's (or whatever the henches are in Beacons).
2) All the ascension missions are completely possible with the local henches. Elonas and Dunes are easy, Thirsty River a bit more challenging, but not too hard since Lina was added to the desert.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Campbell, California

Legio Imortalii


I swear there was someone who had made runs like this who made a post on here who did it for guild members or 20k... hm.

Caelus The Fallen

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Voice of the Darkness


I think you lose a henchman if there is a change in the henchman in the new outpost compared to the one you have. For example I noticed you lose Aidan if you go into Marhan's Gtotto (i think it was Grotto), but not the others, and it seems to be because in most places its "Aidan", but in Grotto its "Aidan [Archer]".

Gabrial Strife


Join Date: Aug 2005

Hmmmmm, well if henchies are set at Different Levels is it possible for you to still have 8 players the whole time including the henchies (Lvl 18 Henchies in Desert).

Lemme try to say this a little easier

U take 3 players (1 Include yourself) (4 Total)

Grab 4 Henchies from warcamp or Rankor

(Now if is as said they reset) will u loss 2 henchies by having over the limit of players in an area?

If you can still have the 4 henchies run them down to the desert and they ajust to the LvL18 henchies and you still have 8 players. The chances of beating the Missions are quiet easy still.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Goda Vos [GV]

If you take from warcamp, you gotta know that if you take the heroes (Devona, Cynn, Mhenlo, Aidan), and they aren't available in the outposts, they get booted out.