Keep in mind I'm still in the pre-searing stages of the game and have only been playing for a few days. But I'm wondering, apart from the catacombs leading out from Ashford (I think that's the right name), are there any areas of the game that *aren't* outside? Like the insides of houses, caves that are actually underground and not just a hole in the side of a mountain, dungeons, etc.? In particular I've noticed the lack of inner-building areas seems "unnatural" to me.
Iniside areas, dungeons, etc.
i would like to know as well

more dungeons and other "indoor" maps will be introduced in the next expansion.
Sorrow's Furnace would qualify as a dungeon I suppose. Its completely underground.
Red Locust
Yeah, sorrow's furnace is the only big one there is. Most others are pretty much "holes in the mountain," caverns, if you will.
Only 7 months late

Heh it took me a while to get used to it. I remember I tried to figure to enter a house back in my early days ha ha.
Shattered Self
If you're referring to the fact that they don't get mapped out, Sorrow's Furnace, the Underworld, and the Fissure of Woe all have that property. They're all end-game areas though, so once you leave pre-searing it'll be a while before you run into anything like that.