Selling Perfect Mursaat Horn Bow :: Req 8 :: 15>50 :: Sundering 10/10 :: +30hp!!!!!!!
Thread is closed. Going to keep weapon. Thanks for your bids.
Blue Steel
10 ectos ~ Lady Blue Steel
Xan Tritus
25 ectos. . .
ign <<<<<<<<<
ign <<<<<<<<<
why doesn't is say mursaat?
Xan Tritus
it does you fr00n. .. .
Rezzing post! This item is still up for bidding! Current offer is listed above as is the new buyout!
Xan Tritus
125 :O
dude thtas aiming high. ..
dude thtas aiming high. ..
Mistress Nocturnal
nice bow sold the excact same bow for 360k a few weeks ago had the same BO
dont think it will get that high so free bump ^^
dont think it will get that high so free bump ^^
Brown Suga
26 ecto
Brown Suga
Brown Suga
change offer to 35 ecto
Brown Suga
31 ecto
Brown suga
Brown suga