Damage 15-22
Damage Modifier 15>50
Double Adrenaline (Furious) on hit 10%
Health +30
Requires 9 Swordmanship
This is an auction and will be honored here if sword is not sold ingame for b/o price. The reserve has already been met so it will sell. I will run it for a max of 3 days and will end it obviously for a B/O. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR IGN WITH YOUR BID/OFFER, and of course mine is to the left. If you are the winner, please be prepared to make payment and accept your sword within 48 hours max of end of auction or b/o acceptance. Thanks!
The only trade I am interested in is a PERFECT Shadow or Eternal Shield with +30hp always AND -2dmg combined. Would also be interested in PERFECT Shadow or Eternal shield +30 always with low Strength requirements. Otherwise gold and ectos do nicely.

(Ectos valued at 9.5k for trade purposes)