WTS Gold shield req. 11 tactics, -2 damage and +44 health while enchanted
Selling GOLD shield req. 11 tactics, -2 damage and +44 health while enchanted
Minimal Increments 10K
c/o: 20K ----- Fronzi
b/o: 200K
My IGN: Tyrion Blacksword
Well since i dont got a price yet that im interested in i won`t sell it yet. You can still bid on it.
Minimal Increments 10K
c/o: 20K ----- Fronzi
b/o: 200K
My IGN: Tyrion Blacksword
Well since i dont got a price yet that im interested in i won`t sell it yet. You can still bid on it.
bumb and put a b/o up
Hellz Fires
lol, 450k, gl with that
hehe tyrion didnt you buy that one off me :P
gl lol
gl lol

10k to start IGN smitey micsmite
I guess you mean minimal "increments"....poor english language, you sure are bitch slapped on the internet.
I guess you mean minimal "increments"....poor english language, you sure are bitch slapped on the internet.
24H bumb
Miss Mesmer
15k on it
Miss Mesmer
nvm it on bid
Ill put 15k, and shouldnt miss mesmer just edit her post instead of doing 2 posts? It seems Ive seen her doing this on every topic (To get number of posts up)?
sry im retracting my bid
24h bumb
Originally Posted by Tyrion
Selling GOLD shield req. 11 tactics, -2 damage and +44 health
@Masar, yes i bought that shield from you and you know it, you already contacted me about it so why bother posting it again? ow well i should be happy because you bumb me.
Tyrion im just glad you paid over 100k for that shield thnx.
@Masar, yes i bought that shield from you and you know it, you already contacted me about it so why bother posting it again? ow well i should be happy because you bumb me.
Tyrion im just glad you paid over 100k for that shield thnx.
I'd like to buy one of those sigils and one vial of yellow dye.
IGN: Sasuke Kun
IGN: Sasuke Kun
how can any of these be the current offer? I put up 10k and you stipulate that the minimal increment is also 10k....so the next offer that counts should be 20k shouldn't it?
Mr D J
lol who would pay 300k for this shield if you can buy Malinions Defender for 100k and its better

just putting this up incase u didnt see my first edit
but sry im retracting my bid
but sry im retracting my bid
bumb, 48 hour and counting
I don't see why people are flaming this guys thread? let him sell the shield arfter all this is an auction not a chat room or school playground. arggh god dammit lol
retract...got very similar in game for less, good luck
bumb 24h