WTS 15>50 weapons with low Reqs
I have these items for sale..and if I think the prices posted are too low I do have the right to refuse to sell. I also WILL NOT sell these items in game so no need to worry about that.
Sundering Composite Bow of Fortitude *****NEW*****
15-28 (Req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Armor Penetration +10% (Chance: 10%)
Health +30
Sundering Recurve Bow of Fortitude
15-28 (Req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Armor Penetration +10% (Chance: 10%)
Health +30
Vampiric Flamberge of Swordsmanship
15-22 (Req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Swordsmanship +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Life Stealing: 3
Health Regeneration: -1
Vampiric Gladius of Fortitude
15-22 (Req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Life Stealing: 3
Health Regeneration: -1
Health +29
Composite Bow: C/O 40k: My Kall
B/O 250K
Recurve Bow: C/O 55K: Kais Unduli
B/O 200K
Flamberge: C/O 75K: Blade Destiny
B/O 300K
Galdiues: C/O 10K: Shadowdaemon
B/O 130K
******My IGN account it being messed up so just leave me private messages here if you wish to buy out******
Sundering Composite Bow of Fortitude *****NEW*****
15-28 (Req. 8 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Armor Penetration +10% (Chance: 10%)
Health +30
Sundering Recurve Bow of Fortitude
15-28 (Req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Armor Penetration +10% (Chance: 10%)
Health +30
Vampiric Flamberge of Swordsmanship
15-22 (Req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Swordsmanship +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Life Stealing: 3
Health Regeneration: -1
Vampiric Gladius of Fortitude
15-22 (Req. 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (While health is above 50%)
Life Stealing: 3
Health Regeneration: -1
Health +29
Composite Bow: C/O 40k: My Kall
B/O 250K
Recurve Bow: C/O 55K: Kais Unduli
B/O 200K
Flamberge: C/O 75K: Blade Destiny
B/O 300K
Galdiues: C/O 10K: Shadowdaemon
B/O 130K
******My IGN account it being messed up so just leave me private messages here if you wish to buy out******
Blade Destiny
75k on flamberge
Bah..only one bid? Come on now..oh well..here's a bump for myself.
Thamior Whisperwind
10k to start off for #1 - ign is Thamior Whisperwind
Bump again..come one..SOMEONE bid
Dr. Schnitzel
30k for the #1 bow - my ign is "Baron von Knochen"
Thamior Whisperwind
35 thousand gold for the Recurve Bow - ign is Thamior Whisperwind
45k for the Recurve.
Kais Unduli
55k on recurve bow.
Just added a new bow..check it out..it's BETTER than the recurve..BUMP BUMP BUMP!!
Thamior Whisperwind
OK then, 20k to start off for the Composite Bow - ign is Thamior Whisperwind
bump bump bump!!!!
<sigh> I might just be forced to sell these in game...BUMP!
Kais Unduli
Retracting bid on Recurve bow, got something similar.
Thamior Whisperwind
Fine, 35k for the Composite Bow. You said you wouldn't sell any of your items in-game! Please don't!
Bump bump
80k on #1.
Marksman Raven
Marksman Raven
this should get people started on the gladius, i bid 10k on it
45k on the composite