Items are up for sale and won't be sold in game (so no "phantom" bids) until after the auction time ends! Have the right not to sell an item if the price is too low. Auction will run until Tuesday 8PM EST. Looking for GOLD and ECTOs only. Otherwise also looking for a nice max/low req. Sephis Axe ONLY. Ectos = 9K! Offer exceeding 100K would need to be offered as 100K + xectos.
1 --> HoD +5 Energy Sword
+ 19% Enchanting Pommel
+ Zealous Hilt
FULL PACAKGE (upgrades not applied yet - pic to show what it looks like)
c/o =
b/o = (an offer I can't resist!)
** IF you wish to just get sword - please specify in post**
2 --> Vampiric Fellblade of Fortitude
b/o= (not decided)
3 --> Sundering Fellblade of Fortidue
b/o= (not decided)
4 --> Eternal Shield -> Best offer takes
5 --> Hale Head c/o = b/o=18K
6 --> Crimson Carapace c/o = 5k by Ap0c b/o=10K
7 --> Aegis --> best offer takes
8 --> Cruel Gladis --> best offer takes
Thanks for looking - please feel free to PM here as I check fairly often if you have any questions.
Methos The Wise
Maximus The Spartan
WarPath of the Wolf
1 --> HoD +5 Energy Sword
+ 19% Enchanting Pommel
+ Zealous Hilt
FULL PACAKGE (upgrades not applied yet - pic to show what it looks like)
c/o =
b/o = (an offer I can't resist!)
** IF you wish to just get sword - please specify in post**
2 --> Vampiric Fellblade of Fortitude
b/o= (not decided)
3 --> Sundering Fellblade of Fortidue
b/o= (not decided)
4 --> Eternal Shield -> Best offer takes
5 --> Hale Head c/o = b/o=18K
6 --> Crimson Carapace c/o = 5k by Ap0c b/o=10K
7 --> Aegis --> best offer takes
8 --> Cruel Gladis --> best offer takes
Thanks for looking - please feel free to PM here as I check fairly often if you have any questions.
Methos The Wise
Maximus The Spartan
WarPath of the Wolf
5k on #6
Bumpty bump bump!
[email protected]
2k on #3
IGN- guapo madame
IGN- guapo madame
[email protected]
2k on #3
IGN- guapo madame
IGN- guapo madame
Alpha Moth
20k on #1
30K for the HoD sword, with no mods.
3k on sundering fell
Murder In China
35k for the HoD sword with no mods
IGN Ankara Nightsear
IGN Ankara Nightsear
40K as above.
hey guapo madam....im filipino too
filipino pride
filipino pride
Murder In China
45k on hod
50K it is.
Missy Osiris
80K for the Hegen sword, with no upgrades
ING : Kagome Kikyo
ING : Kagome Kikyo
gutter punk
sry bid retract read wrong forgot it was stance
HoD was sold with enchantment pommel @ 152K to a buyer (who shall remain unnamed! - thanks man) - who contacted me in game with the offer I just couldn't say no to! (after posting an offer here as well).
Other items don't seem to be getting any decent offers so I'll sell them in game. Please feel free to contact me in game if you are interested or as of 5:00PM EST today, I'll start sell in game.
Thanks for everybody's offer, thoughts and comments and a BIG thank to the buyer for the nice offer and a flawless trade!!
Methos The Wise
Didn't advertise in game to sell - I was made an offer by a forum member who made me an offer to do a buy out.
So you sell I DIDN'T sell in game but to another forum member who had the highest offer here at 125K and msged me in game and asked to purchase it and for the right price I sold it.
I didn't do the "typical" PHANTOM in game bids like a few ppl here do. Like "c/o=xxxx (in game)".
And to if you read correctly my b/o was listed as OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE! This user hit that b/o!!
So - I am sorry that you feel that way but I didn't create any "phantom bids" - was just contacted in game from another fellow guildwarsguru trader who CURRENTLY had the highest offer AND was much more than your 50K offer! Plus "Missy Osiris" had beat your offer by a clear 30K!!
To the user who made the offer to me and bought the sword, please feel free to jump in and respond! I felt you wanted to keep your identity confidential so I didn't post your name!
Other items don't seem to be getting any decent offers so I'll sell them in game. Please feel free to contact me in game if you are interested or as of 5:00PM EST today, I'll start sell in game.
Thanks for everybody's offer, thoughts and comments and a BIG thank to the buyer for the nice offer and a flawless trade!!
Methos The Wise
Didn't advertise in game to sell - I was made an offer by a forum member who made me an offer to do a buy out.
So you sell I DIDN'T sell in game but to another forum member who had the highest offer here at 125K and msged me in game and asked to purchase it and for the right price I sold it.
I didn't do the "typical" PHANTOM in game bids like a few ppl here do. Like "c/o=xxxx (in game)".
And to if you read correctly my b/o was listed as OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE! This user hit that b/o!!
So - I am sorry that you feel that way but I didn't create any "phantom bids" - was just contacted in game from another fellow guildwarsguru trader who CURRENTLY had the highest offer AND was much more than your 50K offer! Plus "Missy Osiris" had beat your offer by a clear 30K!!
To the user who made the offer to me and bought the sword, please feel free to jump in and respond! I felt you wanted to keep your identity confidential so I didn't post your name!
Pretty shitty selling in game afer the first post says no selling in game.
are you selling the shield now for 5k or not?