Rago Fire Staff, Malinon Shield, Drago Flat Bow
Corwin Feist
Usual stuff applies... I'll keep the auction up for 48 hrs from posting. Reserves on all items. Gold only (though would welcome globs instead).
Green Rago's Fire Staff
Energy +10 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Improves skill recharge (20%)
Improves Casting Speed (20%)
Energy +5
Enchantments last 20% longer c/o 105 k. b/o---
Green Malinon's Shield
Armour +16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Recieved damage -2 c/o 100k b/o---
Green Drago's Flat Bow
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (Req. 9 Markmanship)
Damage 15% (While Health is above 50%)
Armour Penetration 10/10
Health +30 c/o 50 k b/o---
Green Rago's Fire Staff
Energy +10 (req. 9 Fire Magic)
Improves skill recharge (20%)
Improves Casting Speed (20%)
Energy +5
Enchantments last 20% longer c/o 105 k. b/o---
Green Malinon's Shield
Armour +16 (req. 9 Tactics)
Health +45 (while enchanted)
Recieved damage -2 c/o 100k b/o---
Green Drago's Flat Bow
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (Req. 9 Markmanship)
Damage 15% (While Health is above 50%)
Armour Penetration 10/10
Health +30 c/o 50 k b/o---
45k on staff (but gimme maybe 1 day... i have 2 sell stuff)
cro kickass
80k on staff
Lab Monke
100K on staff
40k on malions
Brutaniu Mason
50k on Malinon's
Same IGN
Same IGN
51k on Malions
-Mini Hell Kite (IGN)
-Mini Hell Kite (IGN)
Eric Tran
80k Malinon's shield
IGN Eric Tran
IGN Eric Tran
nvm he wants 95-100k.. i talked to him in game
Eric Tran
i will pay 100k message me in game
IGN Eric Tran
Next time if you want to sell anything just let us know the price ahead. That would save everyone alot of time. Alot of people put items up for auction, but they would not sell it until the buyout is met. In that case, just let us know from start that how much u want. It would be alot quicker.
IGN Eric Tran
Next time if you want to sell anything just let us know the price ahead. That would save everyone alot of time. Alot of people put items up for auction, but they would not sell it until the buyout is met. In that case, just let us know from start that how much u want. It would be alot quicker.
Corwin Feist
Last Bump....
105 K rago staff
50 K flat sunder drago
50 K flat sunder drago
Bought rago staff and drago bow 160K for both
55K Drago's Flat Bow
IGN: Master Marksmanship
IGN: Master Marksmanship