Bow Grip: Markmanship +1, 17% chance



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Noordwijk - Netherlands

Raiders of the Forgotten Church


Hi all, i salvaged this upgrade of a bow, pretty ****** up, because i wnated the 10/10 Sundering upgrade, but well, luck wasn't on my side. But since I'm not using it, I'm most willing to sell. Money is needed badly, so any small fee will work for me!

The 'item' is a Markanship Bow Grip Upgrade, with +1 Markmanship, 17% of the time.

See if I can get a K or 2 for this...


Owh, btw, I'll sell it immidiately, want it out of my inventory, so reply if you're online like,..right now, plz?