Early / Old? Wtf.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Netherlands|The Hague

DeoxyriboNucleic Acid [DNA] (leader)


I'm just A beginner in Guild Wars, I was lvl 5 and allready chosen a second profession, I went to a guy in the first town for a quest and then I joined a kind of battle and after A while I was in Old Ascalon, the whole city destroyed. Someon there told me there was no turning back so I was fkd up. So can someone explain what that other dimension is? I read something that that the point is where the real missions and the real guild wars begins, that the 'sunny' tyria is just a stage to be introduced to the game, is it?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Yes, what you heard is correct. The pre-Searing Ascalon is basically a training area. Post-Searing is where the main RP action is.

Fyre Brand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadowlight Order [SoR]

Don't be discouraged though. Here's a couple of things you have available that you didn't before:
1. Xunlai Storage -- pay 50g one time (no monthly fees) and you get a small storage.
2. Traders -- you get to buy and sell crafting materials regular and rare to traders. You can also buy and sell runes. Runes will help bump your attribute levels (start with minor runes, most are cheap and don't lower your health).
3. Armour -- There are two armourers in Ascalon. Check them both, as one sells better armour than the other. Make sure you upgrade your armour before you add runes to them. Sounds obvious, but it's easy to get excited and make the mistake.
4. New Quests and Skills -- While the old set might have seemed functional, there are some new skills out there that will make your build more effective. There are also new quests and missions to tackle for experience and rewards (skills or mostly useless items).

There are some more things that are available to you, but you will find all that out as you explore. Post-Searing Ascalon is pretty ugly and filled with Charr (like in the 'Across the Wall' quest), scorpions, gargoyles, and more. As you progress you will move to new areas, some prettier than others. There is a mountainous snowy area, a jungle, and more.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Netherlands|The Hague

DeoxyriboNucleic Acid [DNA] (leader)


Ok guys thanx, so you can say the game really begins when i'm doing that quest and going to Old Ascalon. And I've read that when you are in the early ascalon you can't go to the jungle and crystal desert. It's just a kind of tutorial. But there are no real nessecairy things to do in early ascalon except for selecting you secondairy profession and lvling to around lvl 5 and do some little quests?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005



yes you can say that. The thing i always do in pre searing is: Getting all my skills, and getting the rez signet(you can also buy after the searing), have fun the game is just beginning for you




Join Date: May 2005


Pre-Searing Ascalon as you've been told is the introductory stage of the game - newbieville as I call it . It's there that you can learn the basic's of how the game works - such things as green arrow's when you have quest's, how to attack, how to buy/sell to merchants, etc and so on. It's also a place to get a selection of skills for your professions - these are the "main" thing to do in pre-searing, but if you didn't get all your skilsl you can still get them either from Skill Trainers or certain quest's in Old Ascalon offer them as quest rewards.

So don't be annoyed with yourself for getting out of newbieville. Just play on because you have a lot of game ahead of you. There's a lot more to do in post-searing than there ever was in pre-searing. Pre-Searing was just an introduction into the game.. and you can always go back there by creating a new PvE character (since all new PvE characters start in Pre-Searing) if you really want to see it again and find out what you missed.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Onslaught [XoO] Xen Of Heroes Division

Yeah, it is. It's kind of like a flash back that you could play in. A story so to say, so that you know how things were the way they were in old ascalon.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Fyre Brand
1. Xunlai Storage -- pay 50g one time (no monthly fees) and you get a small storage.
I'd like to add that the storage area is accessable to all characters on the account...put something in with one character, get it out with another. Saves alot of hassle.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

IM da shiznit

The Shiznitz


i kept my char in pre-searing for awhile and i was better off....i

Penguins Can Fly

Penguins Can Fly

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

also another thing to do in pre-sear is to do the tithe for ashford abbey quest that devona eventually gives you if you complete her earlier requests.

it'll give you a free skill point, which can come in handy later when you "buy" skills with it that can't be gotten from skill quests. :>

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Yea theres a few things in pre-searing you miss if you dont do them (mainly that skill point quest, and The Tapstrey Shred from Gwen).

The Rez Sig can be bought post-searing but its much easier just to get it there.




Join Date: Aug 2005

my w/mo uses mending, orison, and healing breeze. you cant kill him.

Sand Scorpions [SS]


btw.... im currently interested in buying about 2 million broken flutes. since everyone here is talking about ascalon and gwen maybe its the right place to add it?




Join Date: May 2005


Why would you want to buy a broken flute? You can find them in Old Ascalon - they are usually by where the monk dud hang''s out with the farmer.. east of Sardelec Sanitorium...

and the quest which the flute is relating to is broken right now iirc. Unless they have fixed the quest recently...