WTS Necro focus, 3 staves, sword, axe and shield. Gold or purple
Current Offers
#1 - Min bid 5k
#2 - Min bid 2k
#3 -
#4 -
#5 - Min bid 3k
#6 -
#7 -
Closing in 48 hours as of this post. Buy out on #1 - 50k. Buy out on #2 - 20k. Buy out on #5 - 30k. Other items have no minimum bids. Items can be held for 48 hours after the end of the auction - after that, the second highest bidder will be contacted, and offered for their bid if they still want it.
IGN: Metis Greybalde
Feel free to contact me ingame if you want to see, or PM if you want to know something. I'll try and keep current offers up to date.