infused henchies
imuna getchu
Anyone know how to complete Iron Mines of Moladune or other missions where infusion is required with just henchies. I take them to the Seer with me, but when we come up against Jade Armor, they drop off like flies.
Originally Posted by imuna getchu
Anyone know how to complete Iron Mines of Moladune or other missions where infusion is required with just henchies. I take them to the Seer with me, but when we come up against Jade Armor, they drop off like flies.
I had this same problem. I went and got infused, and after that fighting Mursaat wasn't a problem. Mursaat dropped easy. But if there were Jade Armor/Jade Bow around, my henchies dropped so ridiculously fast. I later completed the mission with real people, but what's the deal? Are infused-henchies still defenseless against the Jades? That's kind of silly, in my opinion.

Well, Jade Bows and Armors deal more direct damage than the Mursaat simply because of what classes they are. If you're seeing a discrepancy between the damage taken from Mursaat and Jades, that might be why.
They do get infused, but it seems like it's not full 5 part infusion, since SA still does significant damage, it just isn't auto-kill.
as long as youre infused and catch those agonizing attacks instead of the henchs, you should be fine. i completed the mission with lvl 7 and 7 henchs
Originally Posted by maxpower
as long as youre infused and catch those agonizing attacks instead of the henchs, you should be fine. i completed the mission with lvl 7 and 7 henchs
Mercury Angel
I just went in a few times to search for Hilios the Dutiful, because I still hadn't gotten Oath Shot. Found him there at the very end, so I might as well have been doing the mission.
For me, the way I beat it was to be a Protection Monk with a good connection and fast reflexes. You have to slap Protective Spirit on the henchies FAST or they drop rapidly from the 100 damage per second of Spectral Agony. Instead, they take 48, which is about half, but a 50% reduction of damage is fine. Edit [Multiple deaths brought their health down so that spectral capped even lower. 19 damage per spectral hit I think.]
Target the squishier mursaat in groups, and leave bosses for last. On bosses, you'll find they Spectral they same 1-3 people over and over again, and all you have to do is make sure to cycle Protective Spirit on all of them rapidly, making sure it never comes off.
Of course, what really helped were Rebirth and Storm Chaser. If I was in over my head, I slapped on Shield of Regeneration, Storm Chaser, and ran until the monsters lost interest in me, followed by careful party resurrection.
For me, the way I beat it was to be a Protection Monk with a good connection and fast reflexes. You have to slap Protective Spirit on the henchies FAST or they drop rapidly from the 100 damage per second of Spectral Agony. Instead, they take 48, which is about half, but a 50% reduction of damage is fine. Edit [Multiple deaths brought their health down so that spectral capped even lower. 19 damage per spectral hit I think.]
Target the squishier mursaat in groups, and leave bosses for last. On bosses, you'll find they Spectral they same 1-3 people over and over again, and all you have to do is make sure to cycle Protective Spirit on all of them rapidly, making sure it never comes off.
Of course, what really helped were Rebirth and Storm Chaser. If I was in over my head, I slapped on Shield of Regeneration, Storm Chaser, and ran until the monsters lost interest in me, followed by careful party resurrection.
I wonder why they aren't infused already and if you want to infuse a secound piece of armor can't you just change into in from your inventory so that 2 pieces are infused?
Originally Posted by Age
I wonder why they aren't infused already and if you want to infuse a secound piece of armor can't you just change into in from your inventory so that 2 pieces are infused?