I have the right to not sell if the price is too low (blablabla).
WHEN you bid, do it like this, or I won't bother to read it:
Number, offer, IGN (in game name)
comments (if its needed)
#1, 1000k, Queen Sakura
Happy bidding, no buyouts on the coolest weapons, give me a price i can't resist

Going for 2 weeks, I'll try to update when I can.
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 - c/o 75k
Reserve on 100k. I'm setting the buyout on 150k. (Maybe the price can be discussed)
8 - (this one is going expensive, or I can trade for another bow or something)
9 -
10 -
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12 -