WTS Max Damage Axes, Bows, Hammers, Staves, and a few Shields for good measure


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Thanks for taking a look. I am selling these for whatever seems reasonable, so first reasonable sum on any item grabs it. Feel free to PM me, or contact ingame. Here is the list.


#1: SOLD
Icy Sephis Axe of Enchanting
6-28 req 8 Axe
Dam +12% while enchanted
enchantments last 12% longer

Insightful Earth Staff of Enchanting
Energy +10
11-22 req 11 earth
Improves Casting Speed 9%
Energy +4
enchantments last 18% longer

Vampiric Great Axe of Shelter
6-28 req 9 Axe
2:1 life steal
+7 armor vs physical

Shadow Shield
Armor 16 req 8 str
Health +19 stance

Furious Twin Hammer of Warding
19-35 req 12 Hammer
Damage +14% in stance
Double Adrenaline 8%
Armor +6 vs elemental

Short Bow of Defense
15-28 req 10 Mark
Dam +20% below 50%
Armor +5

Zealous Longbow of Shelter
15-28 req 13 Mark
Dam +15% above 50%
Energy 1:1
Armor +6 vs physical

Icy Horn Bow
15-28 req 10 Mark
Dam +12% while enchanted

Armor 16 req 10 Tactics
Health +27 while hexed

Longbow of Marksmanship
15-28 req 10
dam 14 in stance
mark +1 18%

again thanks.

IGN Atticus Vanderbane
IGN Tarvus Hammerhand


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


bump again, still more to sell.