MASSIVE AUCTION(take time 2 read it all throw)
1.Axe haft:3/1{} 2.Enchant last longer sword pomelle:14%,15%{} 3.Axe grip enchant longer 12%{} 4.Axe grip of mastery +1(14%){} water wond rep10.improves skill recharge using blood magic(15%){} Unidentified shadow staff rep10 water,found in a chest of the Fissure!!!{} ebon flamberg max damage(earth) rep13 sword,+14% damage^50,still space for 1 upgrade of choice!!!{} shocking flamberg of fortitude max damage(ligthning)rep10,+13%(hexed foes),+23 health{} 9. gold Fell blade of defence max damage (rep11),+16 when health below 50%,+5 armor{} 10. gold Vampiric short bow of enchanting!max damage)rep10)+15% damage (enchanted)4/1 life steal,enchantments +15% longer!!{} 11. gold fire wond max damage rep10,+3 energy when health below 50% {} eath wond rep 7,+5 energy hexed{} 13. gold max damage rep10 earth wond,+5 energy when health below 50%{} I reserve the rigths 2 bla bla bla....Happy Auctioning,My Ign: Hector Daganor//Golden Age Monk
Originally Posted by tyrannusarta666
godam bastard you fukin scammer
What happened here??

One winged angel
Originally Posted by tyrannusarta666
godam bastard you fukin scammer
You seem to get scammed alot. To the OP, can you please make it a little less messy I can't really read this so I can't make a bid.
If proven true, I think Hmmer's trading days are done here...
If proven true, I think Hmmer's trading days are done here...
Batou of Nine
wow. sorry to hear that tyranus.
i hope Hmmer get wahts coming to him. Karma's a B!tch!
i hope Hmmer get wahts coming to him. Karma's a B!tch!
Wilheim Eversmann
yea if you really wanna scam us for more~plz make a better thread instead of the messy password like thread.....