Auctioning the below nearly perfect bow:
Online Times: Generally 6AM-12PM EST off and on (usually easy to catch)
End Auction Date: October 15 6PM EST
Gold Feathered Poisoner's Bow of Marksmanship
I'll take that bow, but i have no clue what to the gouing rate is on something like that... Could you contact "Seraphim Bow" and we can work out a price...
It's a bit better than the one in this thread and the price check produced an answer of about 60k. I'm a reasonable person, and sell fairly cheap, so I would be willing to stay around that maybe a little less if you want it.
Seraphim, I've tried to catch you online, but haven't yet. I'm usually on pretty much morning to early evening. Try PMing me at any time and we can talk price.
Auction ended. This item can be seen in another thread.
Seraphim, I've tried to catch you online, but haven't yet. I'm usually on pretty much morning to early evening. Try PMing me at any time and we can talk price.
Auction ended. This item can be seen in another thread.