I've set the limit to 48 hours cause I can't guarantee I'll see you all today! Here are the items! Please leave your IGN with your offers to whatever # you want. Offers that do not meet my reserve will not be sold.
1. Sundering Great Axe of Defense
6-28dmg req 12
+15% hp>50%
10/6 armor penetrate
+5 armor
c/o: 9k - Streets101
b/o: 30k
2. Sundering Hand Axe of Fortitude
6-28dmg req 8 only!
+15%dmg in stance
10/9 armor penetrate
+29 hp
c/o: 40k - Shattered Glass (SOLD)
b/o: unknown
3. Furious Flamberge
15-22 req 11
+15%dmg -5energy
Double Adrenaline 9%
c/o: 15k - Fakedud
b/o: unknown
4. Vampiric Sword Hilt 3/-1 (2 in stock)
c/o: starts at 12k
5. Axe Grip of Fortitude +29hp
c/o: 15k - Misfire
6. Shocking Axe haft (Lightning dmg)
b/o: 500gp
7. Heavy Axe Haft (lengthens weakness)
b/o: 500gp - Sold Both
8. Sundering Hammer Haft 10/9
b/o: 4k
WTS Upgrades, SWORDS and AXES (+15%dmg MODS!) EVERYTHING MUST GO in 48hr!
Noble Knight
Death All
60k flamberge
Death All
infact retract bid found better in game
30k on the hand axe
Sai of Winter
B/o #7
IGN: Sai of Winterland
IGN: Sai of Winterland
Sai of Winter
Free Bump

15k on #5
ign Daesimir Starfyre or Drago The Little
ign Daesimir Starfyre or Drago The Little
Noble Knight
Bumping 30 min early before I head to lunch.
Auction ends in 24.5 hours. Keep em coming!
Auction ends in 24.5 hours. Keep em coming!
40k on the handaxe
9k on #1
IGN: Warrior Xobile
IGN: Warrior Xobile
15k on flamberge