Meta's Miscellanous Market - Everything You Need, and More!
Meta Physical
EDITED by Shanksie @ 17.25 GMT thurs : reason BUMPING. Please read the forum guidelines regarding bumping which can be found here >Trade Forum Guidelines<. You can only post once in your own thread in any 24 hour period. You can always use the edit function to alter a previous post or reply in game or via pm. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages. Because your thread has been closed for a violation of guidelines you must wait 24 hours (from the time the thread was CLOSED) before you can create a new thread.
Upon making your new thread, you have a twenty four hour wait period before posting again in that thread.
A bump is any type of post, from "Yes, you can buy that." to "Get lost." We don't want any post inside of a 24 hour minimum.
It is NOT a daily bump, it's a bump AFTER 24 hours.
2k on colector bone staff
IGN - Lord Of Fiends
-Ill be on 2morrow
IGN - Lord Of Fiends
-Ill be on 2morrow
2k on colector bone staff
IGN - Lord Of Fiends
-Ill be on 2morrow
IGN - Lord Of Fiends
-Ill be on 2morrow
interesting collection *free bump*

Syke Nah
precious item "focus" 2k
Syke Nah
Syke Nah
LMAO You just bumped 4 times..When you can only bump once per 24 hours.
You cannot answer questions/respond to anything unless you waited 24 hours.Read the frigging rules.After your first post you must wait a FULL 24 Hours to bump.Your thread will definately be closed.
You cannot answer questions/respond to anything unless you waited 24 hours.Read the frigging rules.After your first post you must wait a FULL 24 Hours to bump.Your thread will definately be closed.
Meta Physical
Hmm... will "Oops" an apology suffice? I hope you can pardon me for my admitted ignorance at not readign the rules - sure as heck learned my lesson -_-
Now I can only hope my little aucion doesn't get closed
@BryBry: Staff is yours, you can claim it ingame at ~5PM-9PM Weekdays, or All day Thursday + Weekend. This is, sadly, assuming for best conditions, not factoring in schoolwork.
Sorry again for my little rule infringment
So... so... ashamed -_-
Oh, and before I forget, 24 hours has passed, it seems, so... here it goes... BUMP!
Now I can only hope my little aucion doesn't get closed

@BryBry: Staff is yours, you can claim it ingame at ~5PM-9PM Weekdays, or All day Thursday + Weekend. This is, sadly, assuming for best conditions, not factoring in schoolwork.
Sorry again for my little rule infringment

So... so... ashamed -_-
Oh, and before I forget, 24 hours has passed, it seems, so... here it goes... BUMP!
Meta Physical
Morning Bump - wakey, wakey, time to sell this crap.
Meta Physical
Nightly bump - only a few days left, I'll be on all day Thursday to sell anything you might have won already, in the case of brybry.
Meta Physical
Bump for today - logging on at ~ 2 PM, you mat PM me there, BryBry