Gold Max Chaos Axe
6-28 Cold Damage (REQ. 11)
+ 15% dmg above 50%HP
+ 6 armor vs elemntal attacks
The upgrades are pretty useless so im not expecting a crazy amount like 800k for it.
Bidding Starts at 100k
Buy out will be set at 450k
I reserve the right not to sell if bids are too low =)
Gold Chaos Axe 15>50 Req. 11
110k chaos axe 11 req
my ingame toons name is avenant shadowbane
whisper me

my ingame toons name is avenant shadowbane
whisper me

I will take the axe at buyout 450K
IGN: Snowe Whyte. Will be on in about 4 hours as am at work.
IGN: Snowe Whyte. Will be on in about 4 hours as am at work.