Free Stuff For The Poor
Closed, everything that was not picked up was given away in game.
Spikey hammer for me please 
P.S. Very good idea, ill be doing somthing like this soon too.
//Just noticed for poor thing, if you want ill give you money for it and you can give away money, but thats up to you.

P.S. Very good idea, ill be doing somthing like this soon too.
//Just noticed for poor thing, if you want ill give you money for it and you can give away money, but thats up to you.
i would like eather
Defender AR16 req 11 strength +39 health while enchanted
Defender AR16 req 8 strength -2 damage while enchanted
ign satanic slayer
iam ur healer
satanic the dead
Defender AR16 req 11 strength +39 health while enchanted
Defender AR16 req 8 strength -2 damage while enchanted
ign satanic slayer
iam ur healer
satanic the dead
NOO THE SPIKY HAMMER IS MINE! im poorer than biggy. Infact, BIGGY IS RICH!!!!
or can i have the -2 shield?
or can i have the -2 shield?
Yeah right 

oh coooooomon! how much money do u have right now biggy? i have 40K i bet u have like 1400K XP
i doubt anybody's really poor on this web forum... i suggest going to ascalon and looking around for people in beginner's armour if u want to find really poor people
i'd like the +39 health defender ;]
IGN byakuya boy
IGN byakuya boy
can i please have the +39 shield of the wing?
it would be much appreciated
ign ~ Knido Verto
it would be much appreciated
ign ~ Knido Verto
The buckler looks nice =/
Vamp Short Bow plz? ign : The B Train