I have set b/o prices on some items, and may add them in later on the last, but for now will let it run and see if there is interest. (Feel free to make a b/o offer if you are inclined on the Water Wand)
This is an auction and will be honored though I reserve the right to sell outright to a good offer prior to its completion. I also have a reserve on the shield, and will not sell that unless it is met. I will run it for a max of 3 days. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR IGN WITH YOUR BID/OFFER, and of course mine is to the left. If you are the winner, please be prepared to make payment and accept your item within 48 hours max of end of auction. Thanks!

Auction will end on Wednesday October 12th at 9:00 p.m.
Item A: B/O: 40k C/O:
Item B: B/O: make offer C/O: 15k Venerable Angel
Item C: B/O: 110k C/O:
Item D: B/O: 25k C/O: